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Search for 'Ubisoft Focus: Silent Hunter III' returned 83 results.

Lost: Via Domus Review
game: Lost: Via Domus
review | 03/22/08 | Shawn Rider
Never one to leave any stone unturned for clues about the next big revelation on Lost, our intrepid Editor in Chief, Shawn Rider, takes a look at Lost: Via Domus. It\'s a dirty job that nobody else wanted, and evidence that Shawn clearly has a problem. It\'s not a great game, but it is a solid six to eight hours of time spent with Lost. And sometimes that\'s all you need.
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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Review
game: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
review | 11/21/07 | George Holomshek
Harmonix may have moved on to Rock Band, but the Guitar Hero franchise still goes strong. The third Guitar Hero features online play, a great song list, and the best fake guitar money can buy. But did Tony Hawk developer Neversoft shred this one up too much? Do a few glaring issues keep this hero from saving the day?
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Lunar Knights Review
game: Lunar Knights
review | 05/10/07 | Amanda Bateman
In Lunar Knights, you take control of two different heroes, Lucian and Aaron, one powered by the sun, one powered by the moon, in an attempt to free the world from the vampiric legion. If you are familiar with the Vampire Hunter (Baktai GBA) series, you\'re already familiar with Lunar Knights. It is, however, Kojima Productions\' first foray on the Nintendo DS, and it\'s one worth a look.
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Lost Planet Review
game: Lost Planet
review | 02/15/07 | Chris Martin
Capcom has been firing on all cyllinders when it comes to the Xbox 360 and gamers with that small white box could not be happier. Following their critically received efforts of Dead Rising, Lost Planet is a third-person shooter set on the fictitious ice-planet E.D.N. III where there are snow pirates around every corner and loads of alien Akrid. This unique IP blends a \"vastness\" found in sci-fi novels like Frank Herbert\'s Dune with an overly complex (the word would be: incomprehensible) storyline. What you get is an action-filled shooter that manages, once or twice, to even shoot itself in the foot.
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That Retro Review: Ninja Gaiden III
game: Ninja Gaiden III: the Ancient Ship of Doom
feature | 09/22/06 | Chris Martin
Ninjas will be ninjas. That\'s the story from Ninja Gaiden III, the link between Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden II. In this week\'s edition of That Retro Review, Chris tackles the tough, nay, the nigh-impossible, Ninja Gaiden III: the Ancient Ship of Doom. He slaughtered Clancy, and took out the BIO-NOID trash. Come on in, it\'s ninja magic time, baby!

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That Retro Review: Myst
game: Myst
feature | 09/15/06 | Chris Martin
One of the most influential games of its era, Myst is a game where you can\'t die, you can\'t turn around (much) and you really can\'t walk away from its awesome puzzles. When it was released in 1993, it ushered in a new type of genre, the adventure-puzzle game, and became - for a time - the best selling game of all time! How does it stack up today? Has this adventure game aged like a fine Chardonnay or soured like milk? Chris has been to the Ages of Myst and back and has freed Atrus in this review of Myst!
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Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends Review
game: Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends
review | 08/05/06 | Jason Perkins
Microsoft Game Studios seemed to have a slight misstep with Age of Empires III, a fun if not limited RTS that almost redeemed itself with the home city feature. Rise of Nations, another MGS production under the development of Big Head Games was a beakout hit and critically acclaimed. The sequel, Thrones and Patriots, proved that they weren\'t going to fall into the Sophomore curse. Now with Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends, Big Head Studios has left the historic battleground for one of a new flavor - that of the fantastic. But while the gameplay favors variety, technical problems and some amateur voice acting hinder an otherwise spirited game.
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Is E3 Going Away?: Next-Gen Reports Possible Cancellation of E3 2007
news | 07/30/06 | Aaron Stanton
In a turn of events that is so unexpected it reminds us of an April Fools joke out of season, Next-gen.biz is reporting insider information that E3 2007 is canceled. The magazine reports that a number of large companies (we can only assume companies like Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, EA, or Ubisoft) have decided to withdraw from the exposition. Without the support of the yet unnamed companies, the ESA is considering closing E3 in its present form. Next-gen reports that an official announcement is expected in the next few days, as in 48 hours. Next-Gen.biz has proven to be reliable in the past. When its editor was asked about the story, he repeated his confidence in the story\'s sources and replied, \"I\'m sure the story is right. E3 is done.\"
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Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel Review
game: Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel
review | 07/10/06 | Laurie Taylor
The graphic novel has earned itself a standing as an independent art form over the years, and is now moving into the digital realm. Following in the footsteps of the Silent Hill Experience, Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel comes to the PSP under the banner of a new medium. Except, instead of just telling a good story in classic graphic novel form, the developers felt obligated to include uninteresting and tedious gameplay elements into the presentation. The result is promising, but less than perfect. Graphic novel fans should be excited about the potential, but for now the rich promise of digital graphic novels on the PSP remains unrealized.
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VGA Remake of King's Quest III Released
game: King's Quest III: To Heir is Human
news | 06/19/06 | Aaron Stanton
Following the release of King\'s Quest I and II from AGD Interactive, Infamous Adventures has released a VGA re-make of King\'s Quest III: To Heir is Human. AGD Interactive and Infamous Adventures are both enthusiast developers that have taken it on themselves to reintroduce gamers to the wonders of some of Sierra Online\'s most significant franchises. Made on the versatile Adventure Game Studio, this VGA remake of King\'s Quest III: To Heir is Human let\'s gamers experience one of the best games of all time as if it were new. Plus, it\'s free.
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A Boy and His Rocket Dog: Metal Saga Review
game: Metal Saga
review | 06/02/06 | Amanda Bateman
Atlus and developer Success bring us Metal Saga, a sci-fi RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world where outlaws and monsters run rampant. You play a nameless boy on a mission to save the world. Does that sound like a typical RPG plot? Absolutely. But when you add in some clever humor, plenty of minigames and non-linear extras to explore, and canine companions sporting heavy military-style rocketry, it can\'t be all bad, can it? Amanda took on the challenge of Metal Saga. Get her rerview here.
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The Ongoing Conflict: Ubisoft's Haze
game: Haze
preview | 05/19/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Ubisoft brings us another military-themed First Person Shooter, Haze, which there obviously aren\'t nearly enoug of these days... But Haze feels a bit different, too. Charged with some serious political satire, Haze gets you all tied up with Mantel Global\'s corporate mercenaries in the ongoing war for democracy. Expect plenty of drugged-up supersoldiers and some tricky ethical decisions, two things we\'d like to see a lot more of in the FPS genre. Get Blaine\'s full preview here.
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Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII Review
game: Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
review | 05/07/06 | Matt James
Ubisoft\'s Blazing Angels has a lot to overcome: It\'s another WWII game, and there was a little game for the original Xbox called Crimson Skies that made \"a bit\" of a splash. Fortunately, it has some spectacular graphics, and the air combat focus opens up parts of the war that are generally not exploited. Still, there are some flaws, and Blazing Angels has proven to be a tricky evaluation for our man, Matt. Check out his review here.
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The (Small Screen) Silent Hill Experience
game: The Silent Hill Experience
review | 04/26/06 | Laurie Taylor
Konami\'s Silent Hill has come to PSP, but that\'s a misleading statement. The Silent Hill EXPERIENCE has come to PSP, but apparently the experience doesn\'t include any actual game. Rather, The Silent Hill Experience is a UMD full of all the things we would expect to get for free as extras and unlockables in a AAA game title. It\'s got comics, video and music from the game, but it ultimately left our resident Silent Hill fan, Laurie, a bit cold. Get the full review here.
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Metroid Prime: Hunters Review
game: Metroid Prime: Hunters
review | 03/30/06 | George Holomshek
Since the release of the Nintendo DS gamers have been anticipating the DS-exclusive, Metroid Prime: Hunters. Featuring a funky touch-screen control style, Metroid-classic adventure gaming and a robust online multiplayer mode, Hunters might just be all it\'s cracked up to be. This is the first time the GF! staff has been so addicted to online multiplayer in a handheld shooter; a revamped friends system and voice chat enhance the experience in many ways. Our resident Nintendophile George found time to write up this review of Hunters in-between sessions of spanking GF! Assistant Editor, Aaron Stanton in online bouts. (7-0 Aaron? Are you sure you\'re qualified for this job?)
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