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Search for 'Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike' returned 50 results.

Hands-On with Sega Rally Revo (Plus Brand New Super Car Pics)
game: Sega Rally Revo
preview | 09/10/07 | Chris Martin
This year we got to play tons of games at PAX 07, and of them, SEGA Rally Revo, the next iteration of the SEGA Rally franchise, was on display. The series has seen quite a few versions on the now defunct N-Gage and Dreamcast, as well as one on PlayStation 2, PC, and wireless. Simply, the series has \"been around the track\" if you know what I mean. Now, we bring you our impressions of SEGA\'s next evolution of the franchise on Xbox 360 and PS3: SEGA Rally Revo. All this and screenshots of the just-announced Super Cars inside!
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Command & Conquer 3 Review
game: Command & Conquer 3
review | 07/27/07 | Chris Martin
It you asked us three years ago if console gamers would get a decent real time strategy game in the next-generation, our response would have probably been resounding: \"I wouldn\'t hold your breath.\" We were surprised, fellow readers, not to have only a single decent strategy game come to the Xbox 360, but to have two. Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth has already been critically received, and now Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars gets the royal treatment. If setting Orcs upon a faction of Elves doesn\'t get your heart racing, perhaps setting a herd of mammoth tanks on unsuspecting Nod extremists will.
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Who Has Your PS3: How Bad is the Console Scalping Problem?
game: PS3
editorial | 11/15/06 | Aaron Stanton
The PS3 has released in Japan, and the units were eaten up like candy. With 88,400 units sold, the search for second-hand PS3 units has begun. But reports of people buying the system just to resell it for profit have begun showing up all over the place, and 1up.com recently reported Sony sold almost 2,000 more hardware units than they did software titles. Is this indicative of rampant scalping at the PS3 launch? Aaron sits down to compare some of these numbers to the Xbox 360 launch in 2005 to see if he can draw any comparisons.
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Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility List Updated, Counterstrike Gets Its Day
news | 08/29/06 | Chris Martin
Boo buggy backwards compatibility. Horray Updated BC List! Major Nelson just blogged that there are new additions to the Xbox 360 backwards compatibility list. Some are going to freak out that Counterstrike is included and that Half-Life 2 will actually not suck on the 360. More good news inside!
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From Software Cancels PS3 Titles?
news | 08/09/06 | Chris Martin
TVG reported today that that From Software, the developer responsible for Chromehounds on the Xbox 360, but better known for the Armored Core series, has told Famitsu they have stopped production on two games for the PS3: Dark RPG and Black Blade. Whether these titles would even have been released stateside is up in the air, From Software has not given reasons for stopping production (too difficult to develop for or higher production costs are notorious forum rumors).
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Vile Lair Download for Oblivion Merges Haven with Utility in a Package You Won't Want To Miss
game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
news | 07/12/06 | Chris Martin
True to their word, Bethesda isn\'t done with updating their magnum opus The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The latest update is a \"vile lair\" for all you thieves, assassins, and rogues, and even if you\'re just plain evil. It\'s got all you could ever want to feed your bloodlust: evil shrines, evil minions, and even a pen of cattle to feed on. Bloodlust be damned. It might not have a coded fix for some of the bugs in the game, but you\'ll be surprised if it doesn\'t have one of the most coveted cures in all of Tamriel. If you thought the Wizard\'s Tower was cool, you\'re going to love this.
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RIP: Strike Back Review
game: RIP: Strike Back
review | 07/12/06 | Jason Perkins
White Elephant Games makes indy titles meant for arcade gaming enthusiasts. Their RIP series offers up top-down shooter action with some wacky characters and artwork. The latest in the series is RIP: Strike Back, which adds several new features, including moveable turrets, to the gameplay. How is it? Our man Jason has a review.
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Sony and the PS3: Are They Really Going Beyond?
editorial | 05/26/06 | RJ Brooks
The overwhelming market domination of the PS2 has been Sony\'s biggest strength, as well as their chossen ideology in the PS3\'s console design, specs, and marketing. Ironically, the PS3 is also proving that size is not everything when it goes up against innovation (Nintendo and Microsoft). What has been presented by Sony as \"the next generation\" begs the question: While the PS3\'s tag-line reads \"Go Beyond\" is Sony really taking their own advice? With a system price that exceeds both their competition combined, is Sony prepared to push themselves beyond a game of matching, and truly lead the industry?
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Commandos Strike Force Review
game: Commandos Strike Force
review | 05/18/06 | Sean Hilliard
Ahhh, the Commandos series. GF! editors know a classic series when we see one and had high hopes for the new Commandos Strike Force. However, it soon became apparent that a Commandos FPS is a bad idea. How bad? Well, let\'s just say we can think of a half-dozen other WWII shooters we\'d play before Strike Force. Check Sean\'s review for the full gore.
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Live Anywhere Developer: Xbox 360 Controller Beats the Keyboard and Mouse
game: Shadowrun
feature | 05/18/06 | Aaron Stanton
When you put a keyboard and mouse against a console controller, most people would say that the keyboard and mouse would win. However, most people would be wrong. With the introduction of Live Anywhere, a service that will put Xbox 360 players against PC users in the same games, the game industry has found a new perspective on the old debate. After a few minutes with one of the Shadowrun developers, it became clear that their main problem was not making the 360 controller competitive with the PC, but keeping the PC from getting owned by the Xbox 360. Even against experienced Halo and Counterstrike players, fairly average Xbox players seemed to have an advantage on the battlefield. Sometimes, reality is surprising.
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Pre-E3: Unreal Tournament 2007
game: Unreal Tournament 2007
preview | 05/08/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Unreal Tournament has a reputation that obviously precedes itself. Now we\'re all on pins and needles about the next generation of Tournament with UT 2007 and Blaine has the lowdown on what we\'re expecting, what we\'re guessing, and what we hope the next Unreal will feature. We have more on the future of frag right here.
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Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII Review
game: Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
review | 05/07/06 | Matt James
Ubisoft\'s Blazing Angels has a lot to overcome: It\'s another WWII game, and there was a little game for the original Xbox called Crimson Skies that made \"a bit\" of a splash. Fortunately, it has some spectacular graphics, and the air combat focus opens up parts of the war that are generally not exploited. Still, there are some flaws, and Blazing Angels has proven to be a tricky evaluation for our man, Matt. Check out his review here.
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Pre-E3: Sadness Preview
game: Sadness
preview | 05/07/06 | George Holomshek
Indy Polish developer, Nibris, has given us some very nice screens of their upcoming Wii project, Sadness. Sadness is an unusual game for a few reasons: It\'s entirely in black-and-white, which gives it the feel of a creepy old-school horror movie. The psychological tensions built into the game should help to accentuate that \"Psycho\" quality, and to further intensify the gameplay, Nibris has also disregarded traditional weapons in favor of ad hoc armaments. Players will have to defend themselves with sticks, stones, torches, and shards of glass. George has a complete rundown on why Sadness is on his radar at E3 2006.
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Pre-E3: The Promise of Innovation in Games and Technology for the Xbox 360.
editorial | 05/07/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
E3 is nearly here, and there is more to anticipate than the new Halo trailer. This may be a year of true innovation. New consoles, re-imagined controllers, anything is possible. The Xbox 360 is prime for innovation as it grows. It is connected to your friends, your PC, your home, and at E3 this year we will certainly get a glimpse of things to come.
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Pre-E3: The Virtual Console and Wii
editorial | 05/06/06 | RJ Brooks
Rather than pushing system specs as the selling point like Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo has concentrated on the innovation of Wii\'s system capabilities. One of these capabilities is Wii\'s online download game service, which will allow users access to every Nintendo game ever released on Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Nintendo 64, as well as other retro-games from 3rd party developers.
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