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Search for 'Ninja Gaiden III: the Ancient Ship of Doom' returned 97 results.

Pirates of the Burning Sea Goes Open Beta
game: Pirates of the Burning Sea
preview | 12/05/07 | Jamie Gergen
It\'s 1720 A.D. and the seas of the Carribean are the new battlefront for the powers of Europe. Pirates, Privateers, and Free Traders cruise the waters in search of their fortunes, while Navy ships of the line keep as much order as one can with fleets of Pirates sailing their dark colors from the mast. Like pages from a Patrick O\'Brien novel, Pirates of the Burning Sea brings the life on the sea to your computer with fantastic success.
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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Review
game: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
review | 11/21/07 | George Holomshek
Harmonix may have moved on to Rock Band, but the Guitar Hero franchise still goes strong. The third Guitar Hero features online play, a great song list, and the best fake guitar money can buy. But did Tony Hawk developer Neversoft shred this one up too much? Do a few glaring issues keep this hero from saving the day?
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Bungie Goes Independent, Microsoft Retains Halo
news | 10/05/07 | Chris Martin
There have been rumors aplenty since the explosive launch of Halo 3. The rumors pointed to the an \"insider\" who said Bungie and Microsoft will be parting ways, and that, as we just received word, is true. Bungie Studios will become an independents developer, although Microsoft will retain the rights to the Halo franchise, and Bungie will still be focusing mainly on Microsoft\'s platform. Quote Harold Ryan, Studio head for Bungie, \"We will continue to develop with our primary focus on Microsoft\'s platforms; we greatly value our mutually prosperous relationship with our publisher, Microsoft Game Studios, and we look forward to continuing that affiliation through \'Halo\' and beyond.\"
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Sexy Project Gotham 4 Photo Mode Screens
game: Project Gotham Racing 4
gallery | 09/07/07 | Chris Martin
For a game to share a name with the hometown of a certain caped crusader and to become one of Microsoft\'s flagship series is kind of mindboggling. Project Gotham Racing 4 has become the place to go for mostly arcade, semi-simulation racing. It\'s a game about looking good while winning, and in the fourth iteration, Bizarre has added some features to make you look even better. This game is looking gorgeous, and we can\'t wait for it to get here. In the meanwhile, here are some pics from the new \"Photo Mode\" and some very sexy pics at that.
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Xbox 360 Sees Its First Unofficial NES Emulator
news | 01/29/07 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft\'s courtship of the homebrew game developer has led to the Xbox 360 running its first unofficial NES emulator. While not useful to the general public, a programmer by the name of Lone Coder used Microsoft\'s XNA Game Studio Express to convert an existing emulator - SharpNES - to run on XNA environments. That includes both PCs running Windows Vista and the Xbox 360. The development introduces the Xbox 360 to its first taste of unapproved retro-gaming, and while limitations built into Game Studio Express prevent a usable release on the 360, it\'s nice to see Microsoft take steps to embrace the homebrew community instead of alienating them.
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Naruto Ninja Council 2 Review
game: Naruto Ninja Council 2
review | 11/30/06 | Amanda Bateman
Do you need some ninjitsu in your portable gaming life? Don\'t get enough anime on television? Naruto Ninja Council 2 blends side-scrolling adventure and fighting-game style action, which sounds awesome on paper. But you might want to check out this review before making the big purchase.
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Paraworld Review
game: Paraworld
review | 11/12/06 | George Holomshek
How many times have we been left feeling unfulfilled because we can\'t find an RTS with the perfect balance. You know—the precise mix of dinosaurs, ninjas and flamethrowers for which our mousing fingers lust. And just to prove that the gods of gaming are benevolent (and capricious), Aspyr brings us Paraworld, a real-time strategy game that mixes wacky units with solid gameplay. Get the full story from our man, George.
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Caesar IV Review
game: Caesar IV Review
review | 10/31/06 | George Holomshek
Caesar IV picks up where the series left off, placing the fate of a great and powerful empire into the hands of the average game player. Caesar IV offers a lively city with plenty of graphical appeal, engaging micromanagement, and a few frustrating interface problems, all in one package. For those of you interested in working your way up the ladder from lowly outpost commander to Caesar himself, you\'re likely to find what you\'re looking for in this newest addition to the series.
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That Retro Review: ToeJam and Earl
game: ToeJam and Earl
feature | 10/13/06 | Chris Martin
Two of the most beloved aliens of all time - sorry E.T. - ToeJam and Earl have been through a lot together: two sequels, multiple planets, and a lot of tough criticism. But we cast all that aside and look to the past today with the original ToeJam and Earl. What made the game so great? The tunes? The attitude? The Coop play? Try all of the above. The funky beat-boxing aliens have had their fill of Earth, and so has Chris as he\'s guided Earl all the way to level 25, found all 10 spaceship pieces, and thrown tomatoes at Earthings until they pop in this week\'s That Retro Review!
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Shall we play a game? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War.
game: DEFCON
review | 10/04/06 | Chris Galbraith
Introversion scored big with Darwinia, a game well-known for its unorthodox graphics and approach. Now, the indy developers from Britain have released the next big thing: Defcon. Defcon puts players in control of a huge nuclear arsenal to duke out doomsday using an interface that looks straight out of the classic game/nuke movie, War Games. Would you like to play a game? How about Global Thermonuclear War? Get the full story from our intrepid strategist Chris G.
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Doom For XBLA Review
game: Doom
review | 09/30/06 | Tristan Mayshark
id\'s seminal classic is a surprise Xbox Live Arcade release for the Xbox 360. Demons from Hell on Mars and throbbing metal midi tracks help you party like it\'s 1994 (except this time around our pings are way better). Though it has not changed significantly from the version that debuted 13 years ago, it remains a worthwhile purchase for FPS junkies and casual gamers alike. Get the full story from our man, Tristan.
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That Retro Review: Ninja Gaiden III
game: Ninja Gaiden III: the Ancient Ship of Doom
feature | 09/22/06 | Chris Martin
Ninjas will be ninjas. That\'s the story from Ninja Gaiden III, the link between Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden II. In this week\'s edition of That Retro Review, Chris tackles the tough, nay, the nigh-impossible, Ninja Gaiden III: the Ancient Ship of Doom. He slaughtered Clancy, and took out the BIO-NOID trash. Come on in, it\'s ninja magic time, baby!

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Circuit City Tries to Charge $28.99 for Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility
news | 09/04/06 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s common for companies to sell services that a customer could easily do themselves with a little training; it\'s often more convenient to pay someone to do the job than to take the time to learn. But now, Circuit City is offering to install software on your Xbox 360 that is basically shipped preinstalled from the manufacturer. For a fee of $28.99, Circuit City will install software that lets you play original Xbox titles on your Xbox 360. Their advertising doesn\'t mention that many Xbox games can be played without their \"software\" installation, or that what they\'re really offering to do is to install a free update from Microsoft. The problem isn\'t the service, it\'s the misleading style of the service, and we sincerely hope the practice changes very soon.
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Gradius Collection Review
game: Gradius Collection
review | 07/20/06 | Matt James
Konami\'s latest retro anthology, Gradius Collection, brings a long legacy of side-scrolling shooter mayhem to the PSP. For fans of the classic space-cave action Gradius made popular, this is a must-have collection. Sporting some welcome enhancements, including a quick-save feature that helps players reach previously unattainable levels and makes the games more portable-friendly, Gradius Collection is worth checking out to spice up that summertime commute. Matt James has the review right here.
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VGA Remake of King's Quest III Released
game: King's Quest III: To Heir is Human
news | 06/19/06 | Aaron Stanton
Following the release of King\'s Quest I and II from AGD Interactive, Infamous Adventures has released a VGA re-make of King\'s Quest III: To Heir is Human. AGD Interactive and Infamous Adventures are both enthusiast developers that have taken it on themselves to reintroduce gamers to the wonders of some of Sierra Online\'s most significant franchises. Made on the versatile Adventure Game Studio, this VGA remake of King\'s Quest III: To Heir is Human let\'s gamers experience one of the best games of all time as if it were new. Plus, it\'s free.
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