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Search for 'Dead Rising' returned 53 results.

Gerstmann Allegedly Fired Over Kane and Lynch Review
game: Kane and Lynch
news | 11/30/07 | Chris Martin
If this is true, Gamespot will be allegedly losing one of it\'s finest reviewers over a critically mediocre game, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men.

Primotech stated yesterday that Jeff Gerstmann, 10 year veteran on Gamespot.com, has been fired.
According to a fellow Gamespot contributor and close friend of Gerstmann who wished to remain anonymous, the editor was fired Wednesday morning because of his negative review of the game, which he awarded a 6.0. Comparably speaking, Metacritic lists Kane and Lynch as currently having a 68% average from critics.

Although Primotech admits there might be other reasons for Gerstmann\'s leave, but as of now there have been no announcements by Gerstmann.
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Top 20 Things We Want in the Dead Rising Sequel
game: Dead Rising 2
editorial | 08/23/07 | Chris Martin
It\'s deadrising2.net/news/187647394.php\"" onClick="window.open( this.href, '_self' ); return false;" title="">officially unofficial according to Capcom reps. But you know we\'ll probably see a Dead Rising sequel some time in the near future. Dead Rising sold over a million copies worldwide and became one of the staple buys for adopters of the Xbox 360. It was an excellent survival horror game with some great humor. The sandbox environment, multiple endings, and various side quests gave it longevity. Basically, we know it\'s coming on one platform or another. Not if but when it gets announced, here are the top 20 features we would like to see in the sequel.
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Lost Planet Review
game: Lost Planet
review | 02/15/07 | Chris Martin
Capcom has been firing on all cyllinders when it comes to the Xbox 360 and gamers with that small white box could not be happier. Following their critically received efforts of Dead Rising, Lost Planet is a third-person shooter set on the fictitious ice-planet E.D.N. III where there are snow pirates around every corner and loads of alien Akrid. This unique IP blends a \"vastness\" found in sci-fi novels like Frank Herbert\'s Dune with an overly complex (the word would be: incomprehensible) storyline. What you get is an action-filled shooter that manages, once or twice, to even shoot itself in the foot.
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Dead Rising for Real in the Name of Child's Play
news | 11/27/06 | Aaron Stanton
In an odd and yet fortunate turn of events, GamesFirst editor Aaron Stanton has been invited to publicly humiliate himself for the sake of video games. By locking himself in a mall for 5 days he has a chance to win a PS3. If we can end up with a system in hand, we\'re going to go ahead and donate that sucker to Penny Arcade\'s Child\'s Play charity. But before we do that, we\'re going to try to get it signed by the last people on earth you\'d expect: Sony\'s rival Microsoft. We\'re taking it to Microsoft with an open invitation to the Xbox developers to sign the system with whatever personal messages they might have for Sony. It\'s just our little way to make the system a bit more of a collectors item before being auctioned away to raise money for sick children across the United States. But, before we can do even that, we need your help...
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Dead Rising Review
game: Dead Rising
review | 09/14/06 | Chris Martin
Capcom\'s Dead Rising has been a phenomenon: Muthafuckin\' zombies in a muthafuckin\' mall, to borrow a phrase. It\'s a great B-Movie of a game, enjoyable and painful all at once. Yet for all of its blemishes, Dead Rising is worth every eye-straining moment of frustratingly awesome zombie whacking. It\'s not for the faint of heart, in more ways than one. Check out Chris Martin\'s review to find out why Dead Rising is the best bad game you\'ll play this year.
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And I Start Thinking of Killing Kombies: One Gamer's Struggle for Daily Survival
game: Dead Rising
editorial | 08/02/06 | Chris Martin
\"In Dead Rising, coming August 8th for the Xbox 360 game console, players follow the efforts of ambitious photojournalist Frank West as he investigates the strange happenings at the Willamette Parkview Mall only to find that more than just the Chinese food in the Food Court has been rotting...\" We\'re so happy for a return of the zombie game that we tied Chris to his computer chair with bailing wire (left over from the last time a gamer defected) and forced him to write about what makes a zombie a zombie. By the end of the three-day period Chris, a little pale from lack of food, fell over trying to lunge at us with ominous moans. He bit a big chunk out of Aaron\'s arm as he tried to post this.

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Dead Rising Preview and Hands-On with some Maladroit Zombies
game: Dead Rising
preview | 05/28/06 | Chris Martin
While we\'ve had our fill of space-age RPGs and the like, taking a tire iron to the face of a walking undead never becomes antiquated. Capcom\'s phenomenon Dead Rising is looking better than ever, with fixed framerate issues and polished, open-ended gameplay, not to mention the ability to smash a zombie with literally everything and anything you can get a hold of. It\'s \"Shawn of the Dead\" meets \"Resident Evil\" in Capcom\'s most promising IP since \"Devil May Cry.\"
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Live Anywhere Developer: Xbox 360 Controller Beats the Keyboard and Mouse
game: Shadowrun
feature | 05/18/06 | Aaron Stanton
When you put a keyboard and mouse against a console controller, most people would say that the keyboard and mouse would win. However, most people would be wrong. With the introduction of Live Anywhere, a service that will put Xbox 360 players against PC users in the same games, the game industry has found a new perspective on the old debate. After a few minutes with one of the Shadowrun developers, it became clear that their main problem was not making the 360 controller competitive with the PC, but keeping the PC from getting owned by the Xbox 360. Even against experienced Halo and Counterstrike players, fairly average Xbox players seemed to have an advantage on the battlefield. Sometimes, reality is surprising.
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Naruto: Clash of Ninja Review
game: Naruto: Clash of Ninja
review | 05/08/06 | George Holomshek
D3 Publisher and developer, Eighting, have done good work with the Naruto Gamecube title, Naruto: Clash of the Ninja. For a franchise-based kids\' game, Clash of the Ninja offers surprisingly enjoyable fighting action, especially in the multiplayer, and nice visuals in the 2D-fighter tradition. This is one cartoon-based title that parents don\'t have to be afraid to buy their children. George has the full story here.
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Two Player Comic: Tingle's Secret Profession
comic | 02/21/06 | Aaron Stanton
Zelda\'s Tingle is probably one of the most unusual and distinctive characters in video game history. The short, stocky little guy in green tights can be more than annoying; he can be downright creepy at times. Yet does Tingle have a secret identity? When he\'s not out bothering Link, maybe he\'s a costume designer for Dead or Alive. You have to admit, the similarities are there. Skin tight clothes. Matching ears. Similar creep factor. Read this week\'s Twoplayer comic, Tingle\'s Secret Profession.

Twoplayer game comics are published at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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Cult of Mithras Screens
game: Cult of Mithras
news | 02/06/06 | Shawn Rider
Slitherine Strategies recently hit GF! with the very respectable Legion Arena, a Roman-themed strategy war title with a shallow learning curve and some surprisingly good gameplay. Now, they are hard at work on Cult of Mithras, an expansion to Legion Arena that combines ancient history and ancient mythology. Now you\'ll pit Roman legions against armies of ghosts, shadow warriors, or fire demons, and fight for your gods as you battle your way to Elysium. Featuring enhanced graphics noticeably better than the original game, the latest screens from Cult of Mithras look great. Check them out here.
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up #17
podcast | 01/27/06 | Val Townsend
The Atomic Goddess is back, and this week Val spends some quality time with Dead or Alive 4 on the Xbox 360 and The Movies, out now for PC. Val also takes a peek at Shadow Hearts 3: From the New World for PlayStation 2. And, of course, there\'s a roundup of the biggest news of the past little bit. It\'s eight minutes of high-quality podcasting goodness, so dig in, gamers!
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Videogame Industry Tops $10.5 Billion
news | 01/16/06 | Shawn Rider
As reported by GameDaily Biz, NPD Funworld calculates the videogame industry\'s take last year at around $10.5 billion. It looks like games have reached a major milestone, and that is thanks to some (possibly) surprising trends in 2005: portable gaming and female gamers. Sure, the Xbox 360 launch was a major boost to the industry in Q4, but the success of the industry in a highly transitional year (new console launches are never great for software sales) is attributed to handheld gaming and female gamers. Get more on this story right here.
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Dead or Alive 4 Review
game: Dead or Alive 4
review | 01/14/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Dead or Alive is one of the most contentious franchises around: Gamers and non-gamers alike tend to either hate it or love it. But don\'t let the viscous breasts and panty-flashes overcome the quality fighter that is DOA. The series makes its next-gen debut on the Xbox 360, and it\'s a mixed bag: The graphics aren\'t going to prompt anyone to upgrade to HDTV, but the fighting game is at its height. Longtime fans are rewarded with a blending of the best features from previous installments, solid online play, and plenty of things to do, unlock, and earn. Get the full review from Tristan right here.
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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 Review
game: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
review | 11/30/05 | Matt James
One of EA Sports\' flaghship franchises is Tiger Woods PGA Tour. This year, the tour is coming to an Xbox 360 near you, and we got Matt James to check it out for us. With some frustrating new gameplay elements and (surprisingly) fewer available courses than it\'s previous-gen cousins, this isn\'t going to be the crown jewel of the Tiger Woods franchise. But if you\'re looking for a golf game on the 360, it\'s all you\'re going to get.
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