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Search for 'plague' returned 9 results.

Space Empires V Review
game: Space Empires V
review | 01/04/07 | George Holomshek
Space Empires V doesn\'t exactly revolutionize the world of 4X gaming, but it does offer a multitude of micromanagement options, if that\'s your thing. The space empire building title lets you explore the universe and meet strange races with one of the most extensive diplomacy systems we\'ve ever seen, but is plagued with bugs that often get in the way. If you like micromanaging politics and investigating branching technology trees, Space Empires V might be for you, but only if you can survive the learning curve and a lot of frustration.
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The Movies Review
game: The Movies
review | 01/18/06 | Sarah Wichlacz
Peter Molyneaux\'s latest game achievement is not plagued by overambitious design goals or over-hyped pre-release promises. The Movies is exactly what it was promised to be: A simulation of the movie industry from the dawn of Hollywood to present day. Manage your employees, send actors to rehab, build a studio and become a major mogul in the movie industry. Plus, it has a cool machinima-friendly filmmaking mode that has already led to some interesting creations. Check out Sarah\'s review here.
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Infected: Unlockable Characters Announced
news | 10/19/05 | Laurie Taylor
Majesco has announced several exciting unlockable characters for Infected, the fast-paced shooter for the PSP. Announced unlockable characters for Infected include Bloodrayne and members of Slipknot. Given Infected\'s gruesome gameplay footage that mixes horror and Christmas, and given Infected\'s rocking soundtrack with several tracks from Slipknot, Infected is shaping up to be a major November release. We\'ll still have to see how Infected shapes up in light of World of Warcraft\'s adventures in virtual plagues, but it looks like it will be a great game and an important game for the PSP.
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Excellent Discussion of WoW Plague on NPR
game: World of Warcraft
news | 10/08/05 | Shawn Rider
NPR\'s All Things Considered has an excellent piece covering the recent Corrupted Blood plague in World of Warcraft. They consult everyone from computer mediated social interactions expert Sherry Turkle to other scientists and epidemiologists. The piece also features players discussing their experiences and covers some examples of in-game philanthropy as players donated resurrections and cures to other players who had died in the plague. It\'s a quick audio file, and definitely worth the download. Get it here.
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up
podcast | 09/24/05 | Val Townsend
Val\'s back with another awesome GF! Weekly Wrap-Up. This week we take a look at Jets \'n Guns, Fable: The Lost Chapters, and Metal Slug 4/5. We also have a preview of the oh-so-dreamy Alan Wake, and of course a summary of the week\'s biggest news stories. Give the controller a wee break and check this out.
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World of Warcraft Engulfed in Plague
game: Worl of Warcraft
news | 09/20/05 | Shawn Rider
According to postings flying around the web, World of Warcraft\'s recent expansion patch opened the world to a new plague: Corrupted Blood. The disease is contracted by fighting a new boss added to the game, and gamers have been passing it on to others in the WoW cities. Most of the NPCs have been affected and some servers are certain death for characters who cannot withstand constant repeated damage of up to 300 hit points. Amazing.
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Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown
game: Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown
review | 02/23/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown offers a bit of nostalgia for all fans of Robin Hood, but unfortunately it doesn't offer anything more to warrant your hard earned dollars. Simple gameplay and a been-there-done-that feel plague our would-be hero from start to finish. Click here for the full review.
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How to Get Your Significant Other to Love Gaming
Articles Archive | 10/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It is the plague of gamers everywhere”how do you get the one you love to love your gaming habit? The most obvious and commonly attempted ploy is trying to get your significant other to develop his or her own habit. But sometimes this is a more difficult prospect than one might expect. I have heard many of my male counterparts bemoan the fact that his wife or girlfriend just doesn't understand his need to spend hours on the console or computer and that it is jeopardizing both of the loves of his life. As I am a firm believer in the "love me, love my obsessions" philosophy, I decided put my mind to work figuring out how to lure your partner into the gaming fold. After much thought, I finally came up with a strategy that I think will work for almost anyone. So here goes?my best advice for winning over your one and only.
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Shifters Review (PS2)
game: Shifters
review | 07/03/02 | Eric Qualls
3DO does it again. Shifters is a bad game, plagued with bad graphics, bad controls, glitchy play, and no real inspiration. The concept of a shapeshifting, \"cast & slash\" fantasy action game could have been pretty cool. But this isn\'t the game. Click here for more.
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