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Search for 'indy' returned 28 results.

Shall we play a game? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War.
game: DEFCON
review | 10/04/06 | Chris Galbraith
Introversion scored big with Darwinia, a game well-known for its unorthodox graphics and approach. Now, the indy developers from Britain have released the next big thing: Defcon. Defcon puts players in control of a huge nuclear arsenal to duke out doomsday using an interface that looks straight out of the classic game/nuke movie, War Games. Would you like to play a game? How about Global Thermonuclear War? Get the full story from our intrepid strategist Chris G.
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RIP: Strike Back Review
game: RIP: Strike Back
review | 07/12/06 | Jason Perkins
White Elephant Games makes indy titles meant for arcade gaming enthusiasts. Their RIP series offers up top-down shooter action with some wacky characters and artwork. The latest in the series is RIP: Strike Back, which adds several new features, including moveable turrets, to the gameplay. How is it? Our man Jason has a review.
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Super Columbine Massacre RPG: Art or Atrocious?
game: Super Columbine Massacre RPG
editorial | 05/20/06 | Shawn Rider
Super Columbine Massacre RPG! is, needless to say, kicking up a bit of controversy. Released a year ago by indy filmmaker Danny Ledonne, the game has recently grabbed attention thanks to some high-profile posts on Joystiq, Kotaku, and the likes. Curious to find out what Super Columbine Massacre is all about (as if we didn\'t already know), Shawn downloaded and played through the five hours or so of game. Was it crazy awesome? Or just plain crazy? Check out Shawn\'s article to find out.
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Pre-E3: Sadness Preview
game: Sadness
preview | 05/07/06 | George Holomshek
Indy Polish developer, Nibris, has given us some very nice screens of their upcoming Wii project, Sadness. Sadness is an unusual game for a few reasons: It\'s entirely in black-and-white, which gives it the feel of a creepy old-school horror movie. The psychological tensions built into the game should help to accentuate that \"Psycho\" quality, and to further intensify the gameplay, Nibris has also disregarded traditional weapons in favor of ad hoc armaments. Players will have to defend themselves with sticks, stones, torches, and shards of glass. George has a complete rundown on why Sadness is on his radar at E3 2006.
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Shadowgrounds Comes to Steam
game: Shadowgrounds
news | 04/25/06 | Shawn Rider
Meridian4 sends word of another great announcement regarding Valve\'s Steam service: Shadowgrounds will be carried on the Steam service beginning in May. Steam users will be able to purchase and download the game via their Steam client, and Meridian4 hopes this will expose Shadow Grounds to a whole new audience. The announcement also bolsters Steam\'s position as a major hitmaker, having already picked up several hugely popular indy creations including Darwinia and Garry\'s Mod.
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Daemonica Review
game: Daemonica
review | 04/11/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Meridian 4 has brought us another indy European import that might not be quite up to next-gen graphical standards, but features a great story full of horrific twists. Daemonica is a compelling RPG set in a 14th Century European town having a little trouble keeping the life and the afterlife completely separate. (We have the same problem with Oblivion.) The action is light, but the price is right, and the narrative was enough to impress our guy, Blaine. Check out his review here.
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Outpost Kaloki X Delivers Cartoony Strategy to XBLA
game: Outpost Kaloki X
review | 03/04/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Xbox Live Arcade has put some cool games on the Xbox 360, and has very much helped 360 owners cope with the rather slow trickle of 360 titles to hit the market. Some of these XBLA games are original, some are greatest hits, and some are games that had made an impression on PC gamers as an indy release and now find a second audience on the Xbox. A great example of the last type of game is Outpost Kaloki X. Outpost Kaloki X is a mid-depth strategy experience that XBox 360 owners can try for free and own for a low price. If you\'re looking for decent strategy and a clever sense of humor in your lemonade stand games, then Kaloki could be just the thing. Get Tristan\'s full review right here.
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Shadowgrounds Preview
game: Shadowgrounds
preview | 03/03/06 | George Holomshek
Meridian 4 is bringing the European indy title Shadowgrounds to the US, and it\'s just the thing for folks looking for that classic feeling mixed with a little contemporary mayhem. Shadowgrounds is budget-priced and independently developed, but this isn\'t just another top-down shooter, and there\'s nothing \"low-tech\" about it. Featuring amazing lighting effects, hoards of enemies bent on carnage, and just perfect audio, Shadowgrounds is a creepy, tense, immersive experience. Check in with George\'s preview for more.
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WildWords: It's Not SC*B*LE
game: WildWords
review | 02/15/06 | Shawn Rider
How can you bring Scrabble into the 21st Century? Add a wild card. WildWords is a revamped version of Scrabble that is much more than a revamped version of Scrabble. In WildWords, the \"blank letter\" tile is replaced with an asterisk (*) tile that can represent one or several letters. That single tweak (among others) is enough to make WildWords a whole new game experience, and it\'s made believers of us here at GF! Get the full story on this indy board game right here.
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Slamdance Gamemakers Competition Announces Contest Winners
news | 02/12/06 | Sean Hilliard
The Slamdance Guerrilla Gamemakers Competition continues to bring innovative, independent gaming to the masses. But just in case you weren\'t able to make it out to Utah for the events, our man Sean has you covered with a complete rundown of the prize winners. From art-game darling, Facade, which took home the Grand Jury Prize, to the PopCap Casual Game award-winner, Odyssey, these are games worth checking out. And lots of them are available for you to download and play. So get the scoop right here.
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Slamdance Film Festival Guerilla Gamemaker Competition Finalists Round-Up
news | 01/22/06 | Sean Hilliard
The Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition naturally turned a lot of heads at Games First! GF! editors are excited about anything involving the words \"indy\" and \"gaming,\" and the Guerilla Gamemaker Competition doesn\'t disappoint. Check out Sean\'s in-depth coverage and see the future of indy gaming now. And follow the links in the article to sites where you can download and play most of these games for free!
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GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up Number 15
podcast | 01/07/06 | Val Townsend
This week in the Wrap-Up, Val checks out the biggest gaming news of the last couple weeks, catching us up on any news we missed while we were stuffing our gullets on stuffing and gullets. She also checks out reviews of PoPoLoCrois for PSP, Kosumi for PC, and Call of Duty 2 for Xbox 360 and PC. After all that, she serves up a tasty preview of Chromehounds, coming soon to Xbox 360 from the makers of the legendary Armored Core series. Get the latest podcasty goodness from your pals at GF!
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Space Hack Review
game: Space Hack
review | 12/18/05 | Sean Hilliard
Is Earth destined for overpopulation and possible extinction? Should we pin our hopes for survival in the future on someone with the name \"Hack\"? Or would we be better off just praying for nuclear armageddon? Space Hack, developed by Rebelmind and published by Meridian 4 is a budget-priced indy game. That makes it automatically a cool thing in the twisted minds of grumpy GF! editors. But is it worth the $20 price of admission? Check in with Sean for his review.
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Slamdance Guerilla Gamemaker Competition Features Student, Art Games
news | 12/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Slamdance, the indy film festival that runs opposite Sundance (the just-shy-of-Hollywood film festival), will hold a Guerilla Gamemaker Competition this year. Featuring well-known indy and art games such as Cloud and Facade among a list of others. Slamdance will feature a Game Lounge area where attendees can play all of these indy games and Slamdance will bestow an array of awards on the independent developers, students and artists who have created some of the most unique games we\'ve ever seen.
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DOFUS Review
game: DOFUS
review | 11/14/05 | Chris Galbraith
Every once in awhile, a game comes along with solid gameplay and a lot to appreciate, but a very unfortunate name. I\'m remembering Seaman most specifically here. Although maybe if you say it with a native French accent, there is lesspotential for confustion. Afterall it\'s only a small twist of syllable pronounciation that separates DOFUS from a decidedly less attractive moniker. Regardless, DOFUS has a lot to offer: Tactics style RPG gameplay mixed with MMO elements all packaged in an atractive, cartoony package. With an international following and a development team dedicated to iterative improvements, DOFUS is a promising indy game project. Check out Chris Galbraith\'s review, available here.
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