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Search for 'ICO' returned 14 results.

First Impressions: Too Human
game: Too Human
preview | 07/18/08 | Chris Martin
This terribly cold, strenuous year has entered it\'s warming period. Twentysomethings venture to the park for volleyball or soccer. Some throw frisbees or discs, if you prefer the neutral term. Also, the demo for Too Human has hit Live Marketplace. We suggest you go download it and play it. It\'s a game with as much controversy as variety, as little tact as subtlety.
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Stuntman: Ignition Preview
game: Stuntman: Ignition
preview | 07/23/07 | Chris Martin
One of the under-the-radar games this year, THQ\'s Stuntman: Ignition, has us all excited. Whether it\'s the parody of big-budget action films, the balance of risk and reward, or the allure of string-combos, this game seems to have quite a lot to offer gamers. We took the stuntman\'s job for several hours in the Xbox Live demo of Stuntman: Ignition. We ran through burning buildings, shot down helicopters, and braved a hand-brake-less-reverse-one-eighty, and have big, big smiles to show for it. More inside!
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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night comes to XBLA March 21st
game: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
news | 03/16/07 | Chris Martin
One of the greatest 2D platformers ever created and certainly the best Castlevania game yet, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night will be hitting Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday (March 21). Blending a memorable storyline and iconic characters (you play as Dracula\'s son, Alucard, fer crissakes!), RPG elements, and a long (read: MASSIVE) game, SOTN is going to be a huge release for Xbox Live Arcade.
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Just Cause Review
game: Just Cause
review | 10/25/06 | Sean Hilliard
You are a rugged, sexy operative ordered to take down a whole country, and no matter how many times you have to jump out of that airplane, hijack that automobile, or jump through the blades of a moving helicopter you\'re going to kill that guy, or save that guy, or find that item! In Just Cause, regime change is the goal, and it\'s up to you, your trusty parachute, and a grappling hook to revolutionize a whole South American state. But before you go getting all hopped up on your School of the Americas delusions of grandeur, be sure to check Sean\'s review. Otherwise, don\'t blame us for the harsh realization that even parachutes can\'t make repetitive mission-based infiltration worth playing...
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GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up #18
podcast | 02/11/06 | Val Townsend
Val brings us another episode of the GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up, packed full of all the best stuff going on in the gaming world. This week, we take a look at two books out now about hacking the PSP: One is great, and the other is not. We also test the Altec Lansing AHS302i headphones, which are well-priced even if not so well-fitting. Finally, we get to the games with a review of Legion Arena for the PC and a preview of the Final Fantasy XI Beta for Xbox 360. Download the latest episode of the GF! Weekly Wrap-Up right here.
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Ubicom Launches Free Network Testing Tool
news | 02/01/06 | George Holomshek
Ubicom, who made the Stream Engine chip that is used to shape your broadband traffic in the D-Link DGL4300 Gamer Lounge router, has now released a free utility to check your online playability. The OPScore utility is a quick way to get a more robust fix on your online connection speed than most bandwidth testers, but it still runs in-browser (even if that browser is IE because of the ActiveX requirements, which is whack). George has a more complete summary of what OPScore offers, plus links to the free software.
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Shadow of the Colossus: Incredible
game: Shadow of the Colossus
review | 11/10/05 | Shawn Rider
Sony\'s Shadow of the Colossus is the latest offering from the team behind cult hit, ICO. Colossus has been making waves among gamers because of its completely unique game design: Basically, the game is comprised of 16 of the most massive boss battles ever. But it\'s also one of the most incredibly beautiful games ever created, and it features an amazing narrative that pushes the boundaries of what we\'ve seen in game stories so far. Any gamer worth her salt MUST play this one.
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The Zelda That Never Was
game: Zelda III: The Triforce Saga
news | 10/28/05 | Aaron Stanton
Zelda II was the last official Zelda title released on the NES in the United States, but there\'s speculation that maybe a third title existed, or was at least under development before the series was transferred to the SuperNES. Recently, a gamer claimed to have found a Legend of Zelda III NES cartridge at a flea market containing an unfinished build of the third Zelda installment. What unfolded was a series of events that include eBay listings, accusations of fraud, and an official denial of involvement from none other than the Canadian development company Silicon Knights. The cartridge ultimately sold for $3000 CAD (about $2500 USD). Or did it? We take a look at the time-line of events.
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Too Human Announced
game: Too Human
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Eternal Darkness developer, Silicon Knights, is working on a first-party game for Microsoft Game Studios. Too Human is an \"epic action game\" (read: the first of a planned trilogy) in which players assume the role of the Cybernetic God Baldur, who must defend humanity from a group of monstrous war machines who don\'t play well with others. Powered by Unreal Engine 3, this one is already looking good, and with the reputation Silicon Knights has for creating great, story-driven action games, we have very high hopes for this title. Keep an eye out for Too Human to release in Fall 2006.
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Ubicom StreamEngine
game: Ubicom StreamEngine
preview | 05/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Ubicom's StreamEngine is a standalone device for network traffic shaping. That means, it's a little box you can plugin to your network so your Bit Torrent Downloads don't interfere with your online gaming. We were lucky to get a little time with an early demo unit, and so far it's looking good. Check it out in this preview.
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Midway Arcade Treasures 2
game: Midway Arcade Treasures 2
review | 11/30/04 | Chris Martin
Some people have greater claim to history than others. Britney Spears, who's been a pop icon for somewhere around five years, has a harder time legitimately releasing a Greatest Hits album than say, The Rolling Stones, or The Beatles. But in the videogame industry, few companies can claim history like Midway, and they've put together another collection of classics to let us gamers relive the old-school. How have these forerunners held up over the years? Make sure you read our review to find out if this collection should make it into a loved one's gift pile? or onto your wish list.
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Taiko Drum Master
game: Taiko Drum Master
review | 11/21/04 | Eric Qualls
Taiko Drum Master comes with a special drum controller that you have to beat in time with onscreen icons. How can a game that comes with a drum not be fun? Fans of music and rhythm games are in for a treat. And kids bent on really ticking off the 'rents. And fans of the ancient art of taiko drumming. Or, maybe not...
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Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Review
game: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
review | 08/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Nintendo and Silicon Knights have redefined the 3D action horror genre previously dominated by the Resident Evil series. Eternal Darkness: Sanity\'s Requiem is a true evolution of the genre and gaming in general. Jeff\'s take on the game includes a great exploration of the ways Eternal Darkness succeeds and fails at pushing the limits of what a game can be. Click here for the review.
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ICO Review
game: ICO
review | 11/15/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Possibly the most beautiful game yet for PS2 is ICO, the strange story of a little boy with horns growing out of his head. Normally, that would be cool, except in his culture they sacrifice little boys with horns growing out of their heads. Check out Jason\'s review here.
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