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Search for 'GamesFirst Internet Magazine' returned 1 results.

Twoplayer Comic: Forum Boys
comic | 03/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
After nearly a year, Twoplayer Comic\'s original artist is leaving GamesFirst and moving on to other projects. Noah Kroese\'s distinctive artwork and sense of humor have helped define TP comics as it exists today, and we wish him the best. Twoplayer will certainly feel his loss. Today\'s TP comic will be the last with Noah at the artistic reins, and the beginning of our search for an artist worthy of taking his place. Check out the final Twoplayer Comic by Noah Kroese, named after one of the Internet\'s most annoying aspects: Forum Boys. Best of luck, Noah.

Twoplayer game comics are published at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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