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Search for 'RTS' returned 213 results.

Test Drive Unlimited Screens
game: Test Drive Unlimited
news | 10/03/05 | Shawn Rider
Atari\'s Test Drive Unlimited is aiming to be every car and motorcycle customizer\'s dream game come true: Explore miles and miles of Hawaiian highway as you complete challenges, missions and races to trick out your deluxe vehicles with rare customiztion parts. You can create a whole world of virtual automotive decadence, building homes, garages and even buying clothing for your driving avatar. Check out these gorgeous new screens from the Xbox 360.
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Burnout: Revenge
game: Burnout: Revenge
review | 09/29/05 | Tristan Mayshark
Electronic Arts\' latest update to the Burnout series, Burnout: Revenge puts the focus squarely on action and destruction. With many more routes open on each track, and some significant shifting of gameplay elements, this is a sequel that will either be very well-liked, or, if you\'re like our man Tristan, will have you returning to Burnout 3 to try to regain that je ne sais quoi of creating streets full of vehicular carnage.
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Americans on Mobile Gaming
news | 09/27/05 | Shawn Rider
I-Play, developer of mobile games in Europe and the US, has just completed a five country survey of mobile gaming habits. The study compares the views of American and European mobile gamers and finds several interesting differences: Americans are driven by a need to \"win\" the game, yet US mobile gamers prefer \"casual\" games while their Euro counterparts prefer \"action\" titles. Fodder for endless forum speculation and armchair analysis, right here.
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Tony Hawk's American Sk8land Screens
game: Tony Hawk's American Sk8land
news | 09/19/05 | Aaron Stanton
This year the Birdman\'s adventures take him to a seamless model of LA. But how can that fit into a wee little handheld like the Nintendo DS? Make a different game. Tony Hawk\'s American Sk8land is a totally different game, cel-shaded, and still features all the character customization and online muliplayer capabilities we\'ve come to expect from the bigger Hawk experience. Check out the latest screens here.
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The Return of the GF! Mailbag
editorial | 09/09/05 | Matt James
Back in the day, we used to publish the best letters we got and our most cleverest or thoughtful (or both) answers. Well, it\'s been awhile, but we\'re very happy to resurrect the GF! Mailbag. You can send your questions to be answered by our team of gaming experts to mailbag[AT]gamesfirst.com or, if you\'re not the curious type, you can also send in any rants, raves, reactions, thoughts, jokes, rumors, etc. We\'ll feature the best in future installments of the Mailbag.
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ParaWorld Screenshots
game: Paraworld
news | 09/07/05 | Aaron Stanton
What do you get when you cross a big-time strategy warfare game with the classic One Million Years BC(1967), starring Raquel Welch? The answer is apparently somewhere close to ParaWorld, a new RTS for PC from German publisher, Sunflowers. Get an eyefull of these screens and you\'ll easily understand why we\'re stoked to get some hot Dino action for ourselves.
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Fan Mock-ups of the Revolution Controller
news | 09/04/05 | Aaron Stanton
This is a day for Revolution news. We\'ve already mentioned this site elsewhere on GamesFirst, but in light of the upcoming possible unveiling of the Nintendo Revolution controller in just a few days, we figured we\'d point out some rather light-hearted entertainment to deal with the system. Joystiq.com has an article up that recaps and links to a number of fan mock-ups of the Nintendo Revolution controller. Included in the list are supposed eyewitness reports that may or may not be true. They\'re fun to read over knowing there\'s a possibility that you\'ll know the truth by the 16th of this month, which makes the mystery a bit more bearable. It will also make the disappointment sharper if Nintendo continues keeping its mouth shut. Included in the list of suggested features for the Revolution controller are such things like hot and cold feedback regions and the ever-popular touch-pad screen. Check it out.
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SOE Asks EQ2 Players to Assist Hurricane Survivors
game: Everquest 2
news | 09/03/05 | Shawn Rider
Proving that custom commands are not only for ordering pizzas, Sony Online Entertainment has added a \"/donate\" command to Everquest II, and is asking its players to donate to the American Red Cross to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. We at GamesFirst! applaud this effort and urge our readers to also support hurricane Katrina relief efforts.
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Alter Ego looking for Online Gamers to Appear in Book/Art Project
news | 09/01/05 | Aaron Stanton
Maybe it\'s because we\'re so universally tied to various Universities around the world, but the idea that video games are a form of art makes us here at GamesFirst very happy. Games should be taken more seriously as an expression of emotion, a source of social interaction, and a medium as capable of expressing ideas as TV and print. But it\'s not. Authors Tracy Spaight and Robbie Cooper are looking for MMO gamers willing to tell their tale for an upcoming book and art project, Alter Ego. Alter Ego will try to contrast real players with their online counterparts, documenting player profiles to see how they compare in both appearance and personality. In other words, they want you... assuming you play online. If you\'re interested in being a part of an interesting International project, make sure you read more to find out how.
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Wacky Blitz: The League Screens
game: Blitz: The League
news | 08/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Proving that there\'s life before, during, and (hopefully) after megalomaniacal exclusive deals, Midway drops a handful of screens from Blitz: The League. The venerable franchise has a whole new life now that EA has exclusive rights to NFL licensing. Check out these highly irreverent images for further proof.
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KOEI Announces Game Lineup for Tokyo Game Show
news | 08/12/05 | Shawn Rider
Koei has announced some new titles they will display at the Tokyo Game Show, which starts Friday, Sept. 16.
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Elitism in Gaming (and the business model that supports it)
Articles Archive | 06/14/05 | Monica Hafer
The growth of the video game industry and the acceptance of gaming into mainstream society has brought about both positives and negatives. Companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft drive technology forward, but how does that leave the small, independent developers that helped give this industry its footing? An interview with Stardock reveals that there's a lot of spunk left in the independent market, and perhaps a healthier business model than the one currently driving the big boys.
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Starship Troopers
game: Starship Troopers
preview | 06/11/05 | Blaine Krumpe
The ideas behind the RTS Starship Troopers might have been better suited to the First Person Shooter genre and game developer Strangelite seems to have understood this. Starship Troopers should be hitting store shelves in fall, but we've got a first hand preview of this brand new shooter.
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E3 2005: F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon
game: E3 2005: F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon
preview | 06/01/05 | Blaine Krumpe
There are few things more mysterious than secret government research facilities. Whether it's the combination of the unknown, the possibility of really bizarre experiments going on, or the fact that a lot of them seem to be underground, government research labs gone bad claim their share of would-be horror games, and spark the imagination. F.E.A.R., an upcoming horror FPS, ventures once again into the depths of a government lab in search of answers. Can it hold up in a genre weighted by competition? Our man Blaine reports his thoughts after some hands-on at E3.
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E3 2005: Star Wars Battlefront II
game: E3 2005: Star Wars Battlefront II
preview | 05/23/05 | Blaine Krumpe
The original Star Wars: Battlefront allowed players to experience their favorite Star Wars locations from the eyelevel of the troops on the ground. Whether you played on the side of light or the side of dark didn't matter; you were sure to enjoy using the weapons of Star Wars to battle it out in a galaxy far, far away. LucasArts was kind enough to take us behind closed doors down at E3 2005 and show us the goodies of the next game in the franchise, cleverly named Star Wars: Battlefront II. What are they doing to make a great game better? How about some space battles? Read Blaine's preview for more details on what you can expect.
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