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ParaWorld Screenshots
game: Paraworld
posted by: Aaron Stanton
publisher: Sunflowers
developer: SEK
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date posted: 10:49 AM Wed Sep 7th, 2005
last revision: 10:48 AM Wed Sep 7th, 2005

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Click to read.What do you get when you cross a big-time strategy warfare game with the classic One Million Years BC(1967), starring Raquel Welch? The answer is apparently somewhere close to ParaWorld, a new RTS for PC from German publisher, Sunflowers. ParaWorld puts you in command of an army of truly awesome prehistoric battle-creatures. Tribesmen ride dinosaurs to corral rival tribesmen. Giant mammoths with huge tusks provide serious backup, and a giant rhinoceros in battle armor is just the thing for wreaking seriously caveman-like havoc.

All of this is rendered in absolutely gorgeous visuals. Definitely click over to the Sunflowers site to download the trailer and see this game in motion. The colors are incredibly vibrant, and the lighting quality is amazing. This is one RTS that will be very easy on the eyes.

And, of course, here\'s the official list of features for ParaWorld from the Sunflowers website:

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