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game: Castlevania
news | 12/12/05 | George Holomshek
Konami has announced that a yet to be named Castlevania double pack will be making its way to the Game Boy Advance early next year. Two of the series most highly rated titles, Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance and Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, will be put on a single GBA cartridge to give players a double-dose of Dracula whippin\' fun.
news | 12/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Konami has announced that they will begin selling their products directly to customers via their new online storefront, The online storefront launches with a catalog of 75 Konami titles, including fan-favorite franchises Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Yu-Gi Oh, and Dance Dance Revolution. The move to a direct-sales website will also open up possibilities for Konami to offer customer incentive and reward programs, which Konami hopes will help maintain a community of loyal gamers around the publisher\'s many games.
editorial | 12/09/05 | Aaron Stanton
The gaming industry has grown large; Hollywood large. This means that while we can expect to find more and more gamers in the general population, we can also expect large companies to milk that success for all it\'s worth. If you think the images shown in game ads are accurate, think again; the people you see in video game ads tend to be more telling about the demographic they\'re targeting than about the current audience. Someone is trying to make video games cool, and it cramps our style.
editorial | 12/08/05 | Laurie Taylor
Ted Rueter\'s editorial trashing game studies and game design programs in colleges and universities has really gotten the dander up around the GF! offices. One of our resident gaming academics, Laurie Taylor, who is finishing her PhD in English studying games, responds to Rueter\'s criticisms in the best possible way: refutation and redirection. Laurie points out the wonderfully sensible fact that if people want less violent, better games, then they had better study games in order to find out how to create those new experiences.
editorial | 12/07/05 | Shawn Rider
Jack Thompson jokes wearing thin? We understand. After all the coverage Thompson has gotten, we\'re pretty bored with his ranting. But the game world needs a new hysterical voice to mock and deride, which is why we are happy to present Ted Rueter, Assistant Professor of Political Science at DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. Professor Rueter has written an editorial in College News against colleges adopting game design courses and degrees of study, which, he says, \"kidnap American education.\" Needless to say, we disagree.
game: Quake 4
review | 12/07/05 | Blaine Krumpe
id Software is a lumbering juggernaut in the industry, and their new Doom 3 engine is one of the most incredible technologies to hit games. So, of course, we were stoked to get our hands on some Quake IV action, built on the Doom engine. Raven Software handles the development duties this time out, and for fans of high energy running and gunning, Quake IV doesn\'t get much better than this. Blaine takes it for a spin and delivers the review of the PC version. Can it hold up to the high expectations of the fragging masses? Check here to find out.
game: Creatures Exodus and Creatures Village
review | 12/07/05 | Shawn Rider
Kutoka is well-known for making unique and quality children\'s games. Their Creatures series has been a popular little toy in Europe and Canada where it\'s Francophone version wooed tykes with cute little fuzzy beings. So is Creatures the Tamagotchi of the 21st Century? Shawn\'s got the review here, to help ease the decision for nervous parents.
news | 12/06/05 | Shawn Rider
Every once in awhile we read a good feature on another website that makes us glad we still browse them thar Interwebs. In a list that we agree with a whole bunch, Retro Gaming with Racketboy ticks off the top 20 games you might have missed. Did you play Guardian Heroes on Saturn? Did you play Beyond Good and Evil? Did you play Chu Chu Rocket on Dreamcast? Have you copped a copy of Propeller Arena for DC? Check out the Racketboy list for more must-play titles from bygone days.
game: Revolution
news | 12/06/05 | George Holomshek
At a recent appearance in front of Japan\'s Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference, famed Nintendo game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, stunned the audience with a single comment about the upcoming Nintendo Revolution: \"There\'s another secret.\" Miyamoto offered no further explanation, but the last secret Nintendo had kept from us was the Revolution\'s controller, and that was undoubtedly huge news. So what else could Nintendo have up their sleeve? George gathers the scant details and tries to put together some theories right here.
game: Xbox 360
feature | 12/05/05 | Shawn Rider
It might be heresy, but let\'s consider for a moment the Xbox 360 as a media hub: The gaming features are \"extras\" and the media features are primary. We want to use the Xbox 360 mainly to stream music, images and video from the home computer. How does the Xbox 360 stack up to other media hubs like the D-Link DSM-320 or the Phillips Streamium? Shawn takes a look at some of the key reasons why the $299 Xbox 360 Core System is a good choice for users who might be more interested in media than videogames.
game: Xbox 360
feature | 12/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Xbox 360 has been disappearing off store shelves, both in reality and online where the shelves are much less tangible. In in article we posted last week, we pointed out that eBay\'s Xbox 360 listings have dropped nearly 3,000 units a day, and we predicted that - if trends continued - eBay would be sold out by December 1st. Well, it\'s now December 3rd, and the question is... did they? Are prices on the rise again? Will Microsoft\'s claim of impending shipments manage to help reduce the online price gouging we\'re experiencing moving into Christmas?
game: Aeon Flux
review | 12/03/05 | Laurie Taylor
Peter Chung\'s animated series, Aeon Flux, is a classic of 1990s animation. The bizarre, dystopian world mixed with over-the-top action and surreal storylines to create the perfect late-night television fare. Now a major motion picture, Aeon Flux has also made her way to your local videogame console. Developed by Terminal Reality, the team behind the Bloodrayne series, Aeon Flux is marked by dizzying highs and head-scratching lows, much like the animated series. Laurie put our heroine through her paces and came back with the full review.
editorial | 12/03/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
We all have ideas for the next big thing, an idea for a game that everyone would love. The big difference between us and the rest of the world is that we can write about our ideas and entertain our delusions of \'having a real effect on the industry.\' To those ends, we present \"If They Were As Smart As We Think We Are,\" Matt and Jeremy\'s forum for sharing some of their hare-brained videogame concepts. We invite you to read and respond.
game: King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
feature | 12/01/05 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s easy to want the Xbox 360; Microsoft has managed to put out a very sleek machine. However, what exactly are you getting when you put your money on the counter and head home with a new 360 in hand; better graphics? Better physics? We take versions of King Kong for the Xbox and play them side by side, scene for scene with that of the Xbox 360 version. Then we took pictures and sat them down for your enjoyment. See how well the ending generations of Xbox games compares up to the first generation of 360 titles.
news | 11/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Hillary Clinton and Joseph Lieberman have announced plans to introduce legislation called the Family Entertainment Protection Act (FEPA). The short story about the bill is that it would legislate the practices which are voluntary for retailers to follow under current ESRB guidelines, making it illegal to sell Mature rated games to minors, creating a formal avenue for consumer complaints, and initiating an annual review and \"secret-shopper\" survey of retailer compliance. The Video Software Dealers Association (VSDA) is not happy with the planned FEPA, and they have issued a statement against the bill today.
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