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Search for 'rumor' returned 24 results.

Are We 12 Days From the Revolution?
news | 09/04/05 | Aaron Stanton
Will Nintendo unveil the Revolution controller at the Tokyo Game Show in 12 days? There\'s been a lot of speculation on the Internet that Nintendo President Satoru Iwata will hold nothing back when the show arrives, showing off the controller and the first screenshots of actual Revolution games. Is it going to happen? The source of these rumors is somewhat difficult to track down, so no one is willing to say for sure. Still, it seems like as good a place as any for a major policy shift, right? While Nintendo has found tremendous success in the handheld market (Nintendogs, anyone?), they've consistently fallen behind in the home console arena. The Revolution is their chance to turn it around.
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Xbox 360 Rumors and Updates
news | 09/02/05 | Shawn Rider
That bunny is on the move again over at OrigenXbox360.com; looks like a couple more apples have grown, too. Game Daily is reporting that a November 25 release date for Xbox 360 is being rumored by some retail outlets. And it looks like EB Games and GameStop have unveiled thir price packages for Xbox Live.
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twoplayer comic: Best Source for Next-Gen Rumors
comic | 05/15/05 | Aaron Stanton
E3 is here! At least, for me it is. The west coast GF! crew boards a plane during tomorrow\'s wee-early morning hours for our flight down to L.A. That means that today\'s twoplayer comic - Best Source for Next-Gen Rumors - also marks the beginning of our weeklong E3 series of twoplayer. We\'ll have one new TP comic going up a day for the rest of the week. Course, they\'ll show up along with the rest of this year\'s E3 coverage. There\'s going to be lots of it, so be sure to check in regularly.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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A 2nd (and better) Xbox 360 Unveiling
Articles Archive | 05/13/05 | Aaron Stanton
The MTV Xbox 360 unveiling that took place last night was a bit of a let-down for most of us here at GamesFirst. The show was catchy, with lots of scene cuts, music, and cheering crowds, but revealed almost nothing about the actual system. While it confirmed a few rumors that have been floating around, it didn't do much else, and every picture of the system came and went too fast to get a good look. There's another Xbox 360 unveiling video though, and it's available on the web. This second video is well put together and offers a better look at the actual system.
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twoplayer comic: See the Revolution
comic | 05/08/05 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s just days now until we start packing our bags for E3, and it\'s time that we let Microsoft have a bit of a rest in favor of some other movers in the industry. Check out our latest Twoplayer comic, See the Revolution, and then be sure to catch Aaron\'s thoughts on E3 and rumors about the next-gen game consoles.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Acclaim Responds to Criticism of BMX XXX
game: BMX XXX
news | 10/17/02 | Shawn Rider
Acclaim has responded to the recent controversy surrounding the release of BMX XXX, their latest extreme sports game targeted to a mature audience. The company makes some good points about unfairly characterizing videogames as exclusively kids\' stuff. Also noteworthy in their statement is the lack of any mention of toning down the PS2 version, as was previously rumored. Click here.
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The PS2 Deal
Articles Archive | 10/30/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Okay fellow troopers, here's the deal on the PlayStation 2. We've been flooded with mails here at GF! asking about details regarding the PS2's memory, processing power, rumored bugs, and a lot more, but most often people have been wanting to know the simple, practical bits of info: Does it come with a demo disk? (No.) Does it come with a memory card? (No.) Will my old multi-tap work? (No.) While the technical details are interesting and provide fodder for those late-night debates about what system will be number one by what month and whose momma could whoop who at Tekken, it's those more practical questions that will hang you up.

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EDITORIAL - Why You Must NOT Buy a PS2... Yet
Articles Archive | 08/27/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
My wife hates it whenever I make a significant electronics purchase; she doesn't mind the money spent as much as the buyer's anxiety I always experience after plunking down a few hundred dollars for something I know will be obsolete within a few months. The DVD player, the stereo, the camcorder are all sources of great anxiety to me whenever I think about them. Should I have waited for them to go down in price? Could I have gotten a better deal if I had looked around a little more? Did I get the right brand? Because of this tendency to second guess myself, I try to avoid making major purchases of things new to the market. I waited a year to see if DVD would really take hold, and it did. I had intended on breaking the waiting restriction with the Playstation 2. I didn't think that there could be a surer bet. At the beginning of the summer I started putting pennies away in anticipation of October 26th. I would be the first one on my block to own it, and it would be glorious. There was no doubt. After all, Newsweek even ran a cover story on it. Sure, there were rumors about an X-Box and a Dolphin, but what were they in the face of Sony?
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bleemcast! FAQ
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
We've been looking for a way to answer everybody's questions about bleem! For Dreamcast, and figured what better way to do so than to go straight to the horse's mouth, so to speak. The makers of bleem! have been gracious enough to allow us to post their FAQ on GamesFirst! With so many rumors spreading around the Web, it can be hard to get the straight facts about this exciting new version of the "best little emulator ever made." So here you go “ the real deal:
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