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Search for 'EA' returned 1295 results.

Like DOA With Booty: Rumble Roses XX Review
game: Rumble Roses XX
review | 05/15/06 | Tristan Mayshark
There aren\'t a lot of choices for wrestling games on the Xbox 360 right now, and it would be debatable to claim that Rumble Roses XX fills the niche to the exclusion of other attempts. Rumble Roses is to booty what the DOA series is to chesty-ness. If the previous sentence makes sense in a positive way, then Rumble Roses is probably for you. But if it seems a bit \"pervy\" to play games where a primary focus is ogling the animated characters in a sexual way, then you might want to be satisfied merely reading Tristan\'s review. Check it out here.
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E3 Exclusive: Hands on with Best of Show 06: Gears of War
game: Gears of War
preview | 05/15/06 | Chris Martin
Microsoft\'s 500 lbs gorilla this Fall is Gears of War. Not only did Gears manage to rip the GamesFirst! Best of Show trophy right out of our +5 Controller Grip, but it managed to prove to some jaded fellows that it is more than just another shooter. Featuring a focus on team-based strategic play, elements of quick-reflex skills, and some of the best audio and visuals we\'ve ever seen, Gears of War is the one game every Xbox 360 owner will buy this Fall.
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Building a New Shadowrun for Live Anywhere
game: Shadowrun
editorial | 05/15/06 | Aaron Stanton
Fans of the Shadowrun franchise became excited last week when Microsoft announced the development of a new Shadowrun title. After ten years of being off the computer game market, the intellectual property will be returning to the Xbox 360 and Windows Vista. It\'ll also be the premier title for Live Anywhere, Microsoft\'s new multiplayer service that puts PC users against Xbox 360 users. But without a storyline and game intervals of only 4 minutes each, is Shadowrun abandoning the roots that made it famous? How far can Shadowrun be changed and still be Shadowrun? We take a look at the changes that are being applied to the Shadowrun universe, and whether or not that\'s a good thing or a bad thing.
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Reporting from NAB in Vegas
feature | 05/15/06 | Monica Hafer
Ever wonder what\'s new in the world of broadcasting technology? The National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas features not only the latest in radio and television broadcasting and technology, but also the newest items in Film, DVD, and multi-media. Monica braved the gauntlet of vendors in Vegas to bring you a few of her favorite things relating to both film and videogaming technology.
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The Future of Xbox Live Arcade: Anywhere Means Mobile
game: Xbox Live
feature | 05/14/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live Anywhere is propelling Microsoft\'s multiplayer gaming community into a whole new realm, bringing it cross-platform in all sorts of cool ways. One of the major new features of the Anywhere service will be a much expanded Xbox Live Arcade, which will offer games on almost every mobile phone and PDA platform. Bringing the reliability, not to mention the try-before-you-buy mentality, of Xbox Live to the mobile gaming experience could be just the thing to get us to take cell phones seriously as a gaming platform. Get the full story here.
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E3 2006 Announcements from LucasArts: Euphoria Jones
feature | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Big things are in store for Indiana Jones. In addition to an upcoming fourth movie, the new game, due out in 2007 from LucasArts features a revolutionary AI system named Euphoria. What\'s so cool about Euphoria? Imagine watching Indiana Jones struggle with all his might to maintain his footing on a shakey rope bridge. Eventually he falls, catching himself on the ropes as he\'s thrown over and pulling himself back onto the bridge as the shaking subsides. Now imagine that you\'re standing at E3 and some guy from LucasArts follows up the awesome animation by telling you that none of what you just saw was animated in advance. Did we just blow your mind? Well, put on on a helmet and check out Jeremy\'s full article for more about this mindblowingly cool new game technology.
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E3 2006 Hands on with Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II for the Xbox 360
preview | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
EA\'s Battle for Middle Earth series brings the insanely huge battles of the Lord of the Rings trilogy to the small screen (if you aren\'t blessed like our man Jeremy with a really big monitor). But now EA is set to make Battle for Middle Earth II the first major real-time strategy game to work well on the home console. Previous attempts to bring titles like Starcraft to the game consoles have fallen flat, but after some hands-on time with BFME2, it looks like EA has finally broken through to a working control scheme that should make Xbox 360 owners very happy.
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E3 preview of Star Trek: Legacy
game: Star Trek Legacy
preview | 05/14/06 | Matt James
Star Trek: Legacy was one of the most impressive titles we saw at E3 2006. Featuring nearly every ship from every series and many different famous battles from Trek history, this is definitely one for the die hard fans. Incredible graphics and deep gameplay complete the interstellar package here. Check out Matt\'s hands-on preview for the full details.
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E3 hands on: Battlefield 2142
game: Battlefield 2142
preview | 05/13/06 | Blaine Krumpe
EA showed off the latest addition to the Battlefield Franchise: Battlefield 2142. This installment adds a little sci-fi flair to the action, but remains true to the roots of the series in its realism and excellent online multiplayer support. We just wish it had some kind of interesting storyline, since the futuristic setting easily allows for the most imaginative (or at least slightly clever) premise of all the Battlefield games. Still, Blaine says we\'ll be able to get over the plot and focus on the action, which is oh-so-sweet. Get the in-depth hands-on preview here.
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Hands on with The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
game: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
preview | 05/13/06 | George Holomshek
Twilight Princess might be the star of the show, but the DS Zelda title Phantom Hourglass is still worth a look. Pursuing the cartoon-Link style of Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass fully exploits the DS touch-screen. Players lead Link around by tapping the screen and making a small fairy appear. Link follows this fairy to wherever you want him to go. Sounds wacky? Yep. But George says it\'s actually not bad. Check it out.
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Wii and More: Nintendo at E3 2006
editorial | 05/13/06 | George Holomshek
Nintendo made a slightly more exclusive showing at E3 this year, but overall showed off some bold new ideas. However, the company\'s focus is not solely on Wii; the DS remains a very successful handheld, and Cube owners were assured they will still receive a version of Twilight Princess. George has an overview of Nintendo\'s revelations, goals, and focus for E3 2006. Check it out.
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Protesting Booth Babes Kicked Out By E3 Security
news | 05/11/06 | Aaron Stanton
Booth babes have been a hot topic at E3 this year. The ESA has instigated additional enforcement policies to help control the extent to which booth babes reveal their bodies, and not everyone is happy about that. When two girls in revealing clothing showed up outside the convention center with signs that read, \"Booth Babe Protest: I\'m \"E\" for Everyone,\" and, \"Bikinis > Bullets,\" we couldn\'t help but stop for an interview. When E3 security showed up to chase them off the grounds, we also couldn\'t help but throw a press credential, a camera, and a little weight into the mix in an attempt to put it to The Man. Seems to have worked.
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Fabled Sequel Joins Microsoft Lineup
game: Fable 2
preview | 05/10/06 | Chris Martin
Fans of being evil, rejoice! The sequel to the morality breaking game (or making, but that\'s no fun) Fable and Fable: The Lost Chapters for the Xbox has been announced for the Xbox 360. We couldn\'t be happier. Finally, Peter Molyneux\'s team of jokesters and homage heralds are hard at work on the sequel to one of the most promising (and overhyped) games ever to grace a console. And we got the first look! Here\'s what we know about Fable 2!
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Alan Wake Finds a Home
game: Alan Wake
news | 05/09/06 | Shawn Rider
Alan Wake has found a home in Redmond, Washington. Microsoft will publish Remedy\'s latest title as an exclusive Xbox 360 game. Featuring a creepy psychological storyline that blends Stephen King style thrills with Twin Peaks style WTF?!?, Alan Wake promises to be a relatively amazing title. Plus, Alan Wake has all of the ladies swooning over him as the dreamiest title character to grace video games. Get the full story here.
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Xbox Live Anywhere
game: Xbox Live
news | 05/09/06 | Shawn Rider
Microsoft has announced Xbox Live Anywhere, which will unify gaming on Windows Vista, Xbox 360 and Windows Mobile devices. Not only does this mean voice chat, friends list management, and text and multimedia messaging, but also multiplatform interoperability. That means PC gamers and console gamers will finally be able to play together. Shawn has the full story here.
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