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Search for 'Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria' returned 1 results.

Square Enix PR Faces Gamer Wrath for Overreaching Embargo Attempt
game: Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
news | 06/26/06 | Aaron Stanton
1Up.com editor Luke Smith recently called Square Enix to task on a press embargo they attempted to impose for the Japanese release of Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria. The embargo laid out guidelines about what the press could and couldn\'t say regarding the storyline of the already released Valkyrie Profile 2, including which characters and locations were safe to talk about. Of course, you can\'t embargo publicly available information, and Smith called them on it, opening Enix to a public lashing in the forums. Here\'s to 1Up\'s editors for having the guts to talk about it, and here\'s a sympathetic shake of the head to Square Enix PR. They\'ve got to be slapping themselves on the head right now.
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