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Search for 'I.C.E. Xbox 360 Modchip' returned 1 results.

Xbox 360 Modchip Website Launches, Updates Sale Date to January 31st, 2006
game: I.C.E. Xbox 360 Modchip
news | 01/07/06 | Aaron Stanton
The website for the Xbox 360 modchip known as LiThIuM I.C.E. went live in the early hours of January 7th, 2006. While there\'s nothing there yet to cast much additional light on the chip or its creators, one comment on the site does include a date: January 31st, 2006. Is this the release date, or an extension of the two-week pre-order date mentioned on InfinityMods.com? It\'s hard to say. The site also includes information on the chip\'s development time-line, and reseller policies. We\'re all holding our breaths waiting for the site to finish launching, and we\'ll keep you posted.
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