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Search for 'Fable 2' returned 2 results.

I Want To Give Peter Molyneux a Big Hug
game: Fable 2
news | 08/08/07 | Chris Martin
Some incorporate, others innovate. Peter Molyneux is the kind of developer that makes you want to give him a big hug. He\'s the kind of developer that is not satisfied with the way games are and insists that he innovate. He is the kind of man who gets an idea and runs with it. Recently, Peter Molyneux, in an interview and combat demonstration with Kikizo, had a lot to say about the state of combat in video games, and a lot to say about how Fable 2 would change it all, forever.
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Fabled Sequel Joins Microsoft Lineup
game: Fable 2
preview | 05/10/06 | Chris Martin
Fans of being evil, rejoice! The sequel to the morality breaking game (or making, but that\'s no fun) Fable and Fable: The Lost Chapters for the Xbox has been announced for the Xbox 360. We couldn\'t be happier. Finally, Peter Molyneux\'s team of jokesters and homage heralds are hard at work on the sequel to one of the most promising (and overhyped) games ever to grace a console. And we got the first look! Here\'s what we know about Fable 2!
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