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Brand New Gears of War Screens
game: Gears of War
posted by: Shawn Rider
publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
developer: Epic
date posted: 10:14 AM Wed Oct 5th, 2005
last revision: 10:14 AM Wed Oct 5th, 2005

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Click to read.Gears of War is the new shooter from Cliffy B and the crew at Epic that\'s got everyone going, \"Damn!\" The visuals here are absolutely incredible, from the dirty textures of a wartorn humanity pitted against monstrous enemies from the bowels of the Earth, to the delicate lighting effects that challenge the greatest cinematographers and most sensitive painterly visions. We can only hope that the gameplay and story live up to the huge graphical promise of Unreal Engine 3. Check out these screens for a real idea of what the Xbox 360 can do.

Gears of War is a third person tactical shooter, which is a major departure from Epic\'s reputation for producing first-person shooters. Players take control of Marcus Fenix, a disgraced former war hero who finds himself on the trail of personal redemption. The trail is made difficult by the Locust Horde, monstrous creatures that come up from the depths of the Earth\'s core and wreak some of that old-time future-havoc.

To be honest, we\'re skeptical about the story, but the visual prowess of Gears of War, and the incredible sense of mise-en-scene displayed in the game footage we\'ve seen so far, have got us hyped to check it out. Gears of War is set to release on \"Emergence Day\" 2006.

Here is the features list:

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