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twoplayer comic: One Last Line
posted by: Aaron Stanton
publisher: GamesFirst.com
date posted: 12:00 AM Sat May 21st, 2005
last revision: 12:14 PM Tue Aug 16th, 2005

Unlimited Game Rentals Delivered - Free Trial

Click here to read this week\'s twoplayer comic.

It just so happened that the release of the final Star Wars movie coincided pretty well with what we were doing down in L.A., and so we spent Friday night at the Cineplex Odeon at Universal Studios watching Episode III. It was a disappointment. I just want to get that out of the way; I\'d been told by various, apparently delusional sources that it was really good and recaptured the magic of the original trilogy, and it was that mislead that killed things for me. If I hadn\'t gone into the show with such high expectations - ie. a good movie - I might have enjoyed it more. I wasn\'t the only one to think so, either. While the crowd cheered at the beginning and the end (one of the reasons I absolutely love going to popular shows early on), they also broke out in open laughter during a number of the romance scenes. Don\'t get me wrong; there were some really cool parts during the film, but I felt disappointed. I\'d been teased with the idea of a really good new Star Wars addition, and instead I found myself kept up way past my bedtime by a mediocre movie with brilliant special effects. We didn\'t get any sleep before we left for the airport at 2 in the morning, and so I\'m fairly lucky to be writing complete sentences at the moment.

On the up side, the CEO of ETS Global, John Pemberton, joined us for the movie. Not only did he have a good sense of humor and a favorable taste in movies (meaning he agreed with me a lot), he was one of the nicest people I\'ve had an opportunity to hang out with while at E3. We here at GamesFirst wish him the best of luck.

Now that E3 has officially ended, it\'s time for the real work to begin - our real work, at least. This means I, along with our other writers, get to settle down with my laptop, 40 pounds of press material, hundreds of pictures, a bag of Fudgicles, and a whole pile of previews to write and edit. While we managed to get some really sharp on-the-floor coverage of this year\'s E3, despite our hotel\'s fickle Internet connection, now is really when the coverage gets intense. We\'ve been into the fire and come back again filled to the brim with information that we\'re ready to share, and now that we don\'t have E3 meetings and parties to eat up our time, the full brunt of our attention can be brought about to bringing that information to you.

Hope you enjoy!

Aaron Stanton

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