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Search for 'GamesFirst.com' returned 51 results.

Infected: Unlockable Characters Announced
news | 10/19/05 | Laurie Taylor
Majesco has announced several exciting unlockable characters for Infected, the fast-paced shooter for the PSP. Announced unlockable characters for Infected include Bloodrayne and members of Slipknot. Given Infected\'s gruesome gameplay footage that mixes horror and Christmas, and given Infected\'s rocking soundtrack with several tracks from Slipknot, Infected is shaping up to be a major November release. We\'ll still have to see how Infected shapes up in light of gamesfirst.com/index.php?id=713\"" onClick="window.open( this.href, '_self' ); return false;" title="">World of Warcraft\'s adventures in virtual plagues, but it looks like it will be a great game and an important game for the PSP.
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Twoplayer Comic: Ninten... what?
game: Nintendogs
comic | 10/18/05 | Aaron Stanton
Nintendogs had a strong showing when it released in Europe, helping to drive up sales of the Nintendo DS system by 400 - 700% across the continent, according to Nintendo. The question is, what will Nintendo do next? Other friendly household pets? We\'ve got an idea. Check out this gamesfirst.com/index.php?thisComic=33\"" onClick="window.open( this.href, '_self' ); return false;" title="">week\'s twoplayer comic.

Twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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GP2X Community Finds a Home on MyGP2X.com
news | 10/15/05 | Shawn Rider
gamesfirst.com/index.php?id=712\"" onClick="window.open( this.href, '_self' ); return false;" title="">The GP2X is releasing this Fall in the US and worldwide, and already a homebrew community is budding. Richard Weeks sends word that he has created a community website for GP2X enthusiasts called MyGP2X.com. The site features news and coverage of developments in the GP2X community. Recent posts cover the port of the GP32 Commodore 64 emulator, Frodo, to GP2X as well as the GP2X port of Duke Nukem 3D. If you\'re curious about the GP2X and not sure where to start, we recommend MyGP2X.com as a growing node. With recently launched forums, the site is bound to become a hub for GP2X news. Check out http://www.MyGP2X.com for more about the GP2X.
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PSP's Red Death: Virus Masquerading as Firmware Downgrade
game: PSP
news | 10/07/05 | Aaron Stanton
A fair warning to all you potential PSP hackers in the world; there\'s a virus for your PSP that\'s masquerading as a firmware downgrade. With the release of an actual firmware downgrader, it\'s easy to see why people might be tempted to download this little virus and install it in an attempt to run their PSPs back to a more flexible state. However, the virus - called PSPbrick - ends your PSP. By deleting key files, the Trojan destroys your PSP for all practical purposes. Since you can\'t undo the damage without a functioning PSP to hack, PSP owners are basically out of a system. Of course, since hacking your PSP voids the warranty, Sony has announced that they\'re washing their hands of the problem. Such is the risk of system hacking. For those of you without a hacked PSP, you needn\'t worry. The virus isn\'t capable of transferring between systems without the user actively installing it.
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twoplayer comic: Please Sign Here
comic | 10/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
The most expensive Xbox 360 bundle now exceeds $4500, and includes everything from the system to a plasma TV. Even without the TV packed inside the box, bundles still run in the $2000 range, with pretty much every extra the Xbox 360 will launch with. Where will it stop? Every time we gamers decide that retailers have finally pushed the limit beyond anything close to reasonable, they go and prove that they can come up with something even better. Check out this week\'s Twoplayer Comic, Please Sign Here.

Twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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twoplayer comic: Revolution Bill of Health
comic | 09/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
The problem with having a controller that looks like a remote control is that millions of people will be obligated to lose it, simply out of principle. That\'s what one does with a remote control. Now that we\'ve seen the Revolution controller (in a manner of speaking), it\'s time to get the opinion of other members of the community. Check out this week\'s Twoplayer comic, Revolution Bill of Health.

Twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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twoplayer comic: Letters to the Editor
comic | 09/18/05 | Aaron Stanton
GamesFirst brought back an old feature of ours from way back in the day, the GF! Mailbag. Well, as part of the mailbag, we get letters. Most of our letters are good, easily readable, and thought out; some are less so. Do us all a favor and please remember to specify the game that you\'re playing when you have a question about it. To help illustrate the point, check out this week\'s Twoplayer comic, Letters to the Editor.

twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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twoplayer comic: How to Advertise to Women
comic | 09/11/05 | Aaron Stanton
On September 10th, 2005 the Women in Games International Conference took place in Redmond, Washington at the Microsoft Campus. It was both interesting and informative, and it\'s a pity that there are not more conferences like it; this is a step in the right direction for diversity in the game industry. GamesFirst will have more coverage of the conference later on, but in the mean time we couldn\'t help but include a comic reference. Check out this week\'s twoplayer comic, How to Advertise to Women. Too many advertisers seem to take this comic to heart.

twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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The Return of the GF! Mailbag
editorial | 09/09/05 | Matt James
Back in the day, we used to publish the best letters we got and our most cleverest or thoughtful (or both) answers. Well, it\'s been awhile, but we\'re very happy to resurrect the GF! Mailbag. You can send your questions to be answered by our team of gaming experts to mailbag@gamesfirst.com or, if you\'re not the curious type, you can also send in any rants, raves, reactions, thoughts, jokes, rumors, etc. We\'ll feature the best in future installments of the Mailbag.
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twoplayer comic: When All Else Fails
comic | 09/05/05 | Aaron Stanton
Our twoplayer comic today is a little bit different; there\'s less of a punch line than there is an image of rebellion. What do you do when your game cheats? What do you do when you die thirty times in a row in the exact same place in the exact same game? You fight back. When All Else Fails is this week\'s twoplayer comic. Check it out.

twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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twoplayer comic: Our Secret Weapon
comic | 08/28/05 | Aaron Stanton
Ghost Recon 2 and Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike are two of the all time most popular games to make their way onto the GF play list. Whenever we get together for a good night of gaming, Ghost Recon 2 is what occupies most of our time. We suck, though. Take a look at this week\'s twoplayer comic, Our Secret Weapon.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: Not Who You Think
comic | 08/22/05 | Aaron Stanton
The controversies over video games that have been showing up in the news lately are not really new. Sure, Hot Coffee was a big deal because it undermined what the ESRB is trying to do, but attacks on the industry have been around a long time. In fact, certain personalities have been pushing the evils of video games, regardless of reality, for a while now. Not that we\'re naming names, or anything. Check out this week\'s twoplayer comic: Not Who You Think.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: Dangers of Dating
game: twoplayer comic: Dangers of Dating
comic | 08/07/05 | Aaron Stanton
After a bit of technical difficulty put a momentary hold on last week\'s twoplayer comic, we\'re back on the road again. While it\'s possible that more attractive people might have better luck talking to girls at coffee shops, nerds like myself understand the dangers of attempting to approach pretty much anyone. The world is a risky place, more for some than others. Check out Dangers of Dating, the most recent twoplayer comic.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: C.O.D.
comic | 07/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
From the Hot Coffee modification in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to spy toys you can pick up at Wal-Mart, this has been a fairly busy week. In the midst of all that controversy about sex and violence in video games, there\'s nothing better than shooting things with a sniper rifle. Check out this week\'s twoplayer game comic, C.O.D.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: Saving Advent
comic | 07/10/05 | Aaron Stanton
Beyond Good and Evil was one of the greatest games of all time, and its death was a blow to the gaming community that knew it existed. What\'s more sad is that its poor sales ended the life of the two games that were supposed to follow, ending the story before it was really finished. Now there\'s Advent Rising. Great Story. Poor execution. Saving Advent is this week\'s twoplayer comic.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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