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Search for 'action' returned 376 results.

Dynasty Warriors 5 for Xbox Gone Gold
game: Dynasty Warriors 5
news | 08/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Dynasty Warriors 5 comes out on September 13. Featuring 48 playable characters and some new gameplay elements, this could be a good one for when killing a dozen or two enemies in an FPS isn\'t enough, and only slaughtering a virtual army of thousands can really take the edge off.
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King of Fighters: Maximum Impact - Maniax
game: King of Fighters: Maximum Impact - Maniax
review | 08/30/05 | Chris Martin
KOF: Maximum Impact Maniax offers up all the frenzied action you expect from a King of Fighters match. But what about ye who do not know what to expect from thee olde fighting game? Well, you could pick up a deeper or more complex fighter your first time out, or you could just relax in some graphical splendor and fast-paced button mashing.
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6 Screenshots From The Suffering:Ties That Bind
game: The Suffering:Ties That Bind
news | 08/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Midway is gracious today, and in advance of the September 16 release of The Suffering: Ties That Bind, they have dropped a half-dozen new screens. It\'s a frighteningly, er, terrifyingly, er, really good-looking game, if you\'re into the ultraviolent videogame horror stuff. And who isn\'t?
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T72: A Solid Tank Simulation
game: T-72: Balkans on Fire
review | 08/26/05 | Tristan Mayshark
In a world mostly devoid of decent tank sims, T-72: Balkans Under Fire delivers a graphically stimulating tank simulation to PC gamers. It\'s a good thing this is a decent game, because there\'s not much else for tank fans to get into.
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GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up Podcast
podcast | 08/26/05 | Val Townsend
The Atomic Goddess, Val Townsend, is back with more of what you love from the good old (as in two weeks running) GF! Podcast. This week we rundown the latest in Xbox 360 news, check out reviews of Samurai Western, Fantastic Four, and WWE: Wrestlemania 21, plus we finish things out with a preview of Trauma Center: Under the Knife. Join us for some sonic gaming goodness.

Don\'t forget to add the GF! Weekly Podcast to your Odeo Channel (odeo/a4f4f8bf5b9371f7)
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Fable: The Lost Chapters Preview
game: Fable: The Lost Chapters
preview | 08/25/05 | Tristan Mayshark
When Fable was originally announced on the PC, it was going to be one of the greatest, most complicated RPGs ever created. That was the theory, at least. When the final product finally appeared on the Xbox, it had changed systems, lost features, and been forced to admit that it was not as sophisticated or as massive as had originally been planned. Still, the title found success where it counted: it was fun. Now, Fable is returning to the system on which it started, showing up on the PC as Fable: The Lost Chapters. We\'re here to help keep you briefed on what to expect from this wayward child.
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Pac'n Roll Ships Today
game: Pac'n Roll
news | 08/23/05 | Shawn Rider
Namco has announced that their Nintendo DS Pac Man game, Pac\'n Roll, is available in retail outlets across America for Nintendo DS. The game makes use of the touch screen to provide Pac-control unlike we\'ve seen before from the little yellow guy. Check it out.
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Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood Screens Trickle Out
game: Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
news | 08/21/05 | Shawn Rider
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 is a World War II-based tactical military shooter, and is known for its realism and attention to strategic detail. Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood is the sequel to Road to Hill 30, following closely on the heels of its predecessor. Get the latest screenshots here.
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New True Crime: New York City Screenshots
game: True Crime: New York City
news | 08/21/05 | Shawn Rider
Activision and Luxoflux have been letting the love flow this month with the launch of the new True Crime: New York City website. Now they\'re following up with some brand new screenshots. We\'ve got the new screens and some catch-up screens from a few weeks ago all posted up for you.
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20 New Trauma Center Screens
game: Trauma Center: Under the Knife
news | 08/21/05 | Shawn Rider
Trauma Center: Under the Knife really impressed many on the GamesFirst! crew at E3, and we\'re happy to have the chance to share 20 new screenshots with you. Check out the tense surgical action of the first medical simulation for Nintendo DS to make it to the states, and then click over to our E3 preview of Trauma Center: Under the Knife to find out why this is one title that should be on your Nintendo DS radar this holiday season.
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Samurai Western
game: Samurai Western
review | 08/21/05 | Chris Martin
The third iteration of the Way of the Samurai series is Samurai Western, a stylish, hack-n-slash romp through ghost towns and saloons. It has the action, but can the Wasabi Western satisfy like a fine chop-socky chili?
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Fantastic Four
game: Fantastic Four
review | 08/20/05 | Eric Bodrero
Generally, \"movie\" video games fare rather poorly, as has been the case for years, but with some recent standouts, especially in the comic-to- movie-to- game adaptation category, there\'s a growing precedent for quality. So does Fantastic Four break the mold, or fall victim to yet another rushjob? Grab your spandex and jump on in for your answer.
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GF! Kicks Off Weekly Podcast
podcast | 08/19/05 | Shawn Rider
We\'re happy to release the first of our weekly podcasts from the world of GamesFirst! featuring Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess. This week we cover recent hardware news from Microsoft and Nintendo, review Dungeon Siege II, Conker Live & Reloaded, and Dragonball Z Sagas, and finish up with a look at The Battle for Orion\'s Belt, a mobile phone-based strategy shooter featuring team battles via your cellular handset.
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Beta Signups Open for Mobile Online Space Shooter
game: The Battle for Orion's Belt
news | 08/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Cellufun is bringing The Battle for Orion\'s Belt to the mobile scene. This mobile space combat action game will allow up to eight player deathmatches and the formation of \"cliques\" for online cooperative play. Sounds fun. Adventurous and social gamers will definitely want to check out what\'s going on with the Beta signups, which are open right now.
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Dungeon Siege II
game: Dungeon Siege II
review | 08/16/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Microsoft is back with the sequel to the old hotness, Dungeon Siege II. Is it all that Diablo and a bag of chips? Blaine seems to like it OK. We locked him in a room and didn\'t let him come out until he beat Elite mode. Read on for the results.
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