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Search for 'mic' returned 312 results.

Fantastic Four
game: Fantastic Four
review | 08/20/05 | Eric Bodrero
Generally, \"movie\" video games fare rather poorly, as has been the case for years, but with some recent standouts, especially in the comic-to- movie-to- game adaptation category, there\'s a growing precedent for quality. So does Fantastic Four break the mold, or fall victim to yet another rushjob? Grab your spandex and jump on in for your answer.
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GF! Kicks Off Weekly Podcast
podcast | 08/19/05 | Shawn Rider
We\'re happy to release the first of our weekly podcasts from the world of GamesFirst! featuring Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess. This week we cover recent hardware news from Microsoft and Nintendo, review Dungeon Siege II, Conker Live & Reloaded, and Dragonball Z Sagas, and finish up with a look at The Battle for Orion\'s Belt, a mobile phone-based strategy shooter featuring team battles via your cellular handset.
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Nintendo Announces GB Micro Release + DS Price Drop
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
The Big N is back with some little news that should make some gamers really happy. The Game Boy Micro release date has been spilled, and this news comes hot on the heels of the news of a Nintendo DS price drop scheduled for next week. Get your touching fingers ready...
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Microsoft Announces Xbox 360 Launch Price
news | 08/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has announced that the Xbox 360 will sell in two versions, a $300 version without a hard drive or wireless controller (wired instead), and a $400 version that ships with a 20 GB hard drive, a wireless controller, and an Xbox Live headset. Both versions will be available at launch. Additionally, Microsoft announced the price point for a number of other peripherals, including stand-alone wireless controllers, Xbox Live headsets, and a 20 GB detachable hard drive.
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Dungeon Siege II
game: Dungeon Siege II
review | 08/16/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Microsoft is back with the sequel to the old hotness, Dungeon Siege II. Is it all that Diablo and a bag of chips? Blaine seems to like it OK. We locked him in a room and didn\'t let him come out until he beat Elite mode. Read on for the results.
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Conker Live & Reloaded
game: Conker Live & Reloaded
review | 08/15/05 | Laurie Taylor
Conker was pretty much mindblowing when it came out for the N64. Of course, that was back in the day when GTA looked a lot like playing with Matchbox cars. Now that the gratuituous naughty humor is a bit more common in gaming, how does everyone\'s favorite raunchy squirrel hold up? Check Laurie\'s review for more.
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twoplayer comic: Dangers of Dating
game: twoplayer comic: Dangers of Dating
comic | 08/07/05 | Aaron Stanton
After a bit of technical difficulty put a momentary hold on last week\'s twoplayer comic, we\'re back on the road again. While it\'s possible that more attractive people might have better luck talking to girls at coffee shops, nerds like myself understand the dangers of attempting to approach pretty much anyone. The world is a risky place, more for some than others. Check out Dangers of Dating, the most recent twoplayer comic.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Destroy All Humans
game: Destroy All Humans
review | 07/29/05 | Shawn Rider
Destroy All Humans puts you in control of a one-man alien army bent on pure human-based carnage. With a wise eye towards classic Sci-Fi B movies and a good amount of carnage-creation tools, this is one for all the SF geeks in the house.
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Forza Motorsport: 10 Quick and Easy Steps to Tuning Your Ride
Articles Archive | 07/20/05 | Chris Martin
Hands down, Forza Motorsport is one of the best racing games around. When Microsoft introduced this brilliant title, they were aiming for the throat of the Gran Turismo franchise, and they did a magnificent job of scoring a critical hit. Now that you've got a copy of the game, learn how to optimize your cars for the best racing possible. You shouldn't race without reading this guide. If you don't, you'll probably lose to the people that do.
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twoplayer comic: C.O.D.
comic | 07/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
From the Hot Coffee modification in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to spy toys you can pick up at Wal-Mart, this has been a fairly busy week. In the midst of all that controversy about sex and violence in video games, there\'s nothing better than shooting things with a sniper rifle. Check out this week\'s twoplayer game comic, C.O.D.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: Saving Advent
comic | 07/10/05 | Aaron Stanton
Beyond Good and Evil was one of the greatest games of all time, and its death was a blow to the gaming community that knew it existed. What\'s more sad is that its poor sales ended the life of the two games that were supposed to follow, ending the story before it was really finished. Now there\'s Advent Rising. Great Story. Poor execution. Saving Advent is this week\'s twoplayer comic.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Next Year. Swear to God.
how-to | 07/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
Funny that we\'d choose the Sunday before the 4th of July to take a bit more of a political slant on a gaming comic, but sometimes ideas come, and after a bit of thought I realized that there could be no better time to print a politically-tinged game cartoon than during the celebration of our country, of freedom, and of the ideals that make America great. Plus, it gives us an opportunity to make an old joke about Duke Nukem Forever, wherever it may be. This week\'s twoplayer game comic is called, Next Year. Swear to God.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: Inside Nintendo
| 06/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
We go inside Nintendo this week to find what they\'re really hiding about the Nintendo Revolution. In the process, we destroy the world. Opps. Inside Nintendo is this week\'s twoplayer comic.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Trauma Center: Under the Knife
game: Trauma Center: Under the Knife
preview | 06/24/05 | George Holomshek
When the DS came out with stylus support, we all knew that the new level of precision it offered would allow for some new types of games. Probably most of us were not expecting a surgery simulation, though. Slightly different than what most of us are used to playing, Trauma Center won't have you blowing on the microphone to help clear the screen of leaves. Instead, you'll have a chance to try your hand at saving lives.
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Forza Motorsport
game: Forza Motorsport
review | 06/20/05 | Chris Martin
Since 1998 the Racing Sim ladder has been dominated by one name: Turismo. Finally, there's another challenger to shake Polyphony from that position. That challenger is Forza Motorsport. Does it beat out the king of the road? Find out.
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