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Search for 'ami' returned 310 results.

Should You Buy An Xbox 360 Hard Drive?
editorial | 09/04/05 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has announced that the Xbox 360 will be sold in two different packages, with the primary difference being whether or not there\'s a hard drive. Now, many in the gaming community are asking themselves if the extra hundred dollars is worth the mass media storage or not. We sit down to go over what the hard drive will give you, why you should care, and if it\'s for you. Pulling from a number of different sources, including interviews with members of the industry in the know, we do our best to make the decision easy for you. At least as best we can before the system actually launches.
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S2 Games Announces 'Savage 2: A Tortured Soul' - Screens Abound
game: Savage 2: A Tortured Soul
news | 09/01/05 | Chris Martin
S2 Games is probably beaming with pride, because their new game Savage 2: A Tortured Soul is looking absolutely fantastic. It\'s only just announced, but the screenshots make it hard to believe it\'s in the same series as the original. For everything Savage, you can\'t miss this article.
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twoplayer comic: Our Secret Weapon
comic | 08/28/05 | Aaron Stanton
Ghost Recon 2 and Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike are two of the all time most popular games to make their way onto the GF play list. Whenever we get together for a good night of gaming, Ghost Recon 2 is what occupies most of our time. We suck, though. Take a look at this week\'s twoplayer comic, Our Secret Weapon.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up Podcast
podcast | 08/26/05 | Val Townsend
The Atomic Goddess, Val Townsend, is back with more of what you love from the good old (as in two weeks running) GF! Podcast. This week we rundown the latest in Xbox 360 news, check out reviews of Samurai Western, Fantastic Four, and WWE: Wrestlemania 21, plus we finish things out with a preview of Trauma Center: Under the Knife. Join us for some sonic gaming goodness.

Don\'t forget to add the GF! Weekly Podcast to your Odeo Channel (odeo/a4f4f8bf5b9371f7)
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OrigenXbox360.com - Another MS Viral Marketing Site
news | 08/24/05 | Shawn Rider
In a move that looks very similar to the I Love Bees campaign, Microsoft has registered another mysterious site, Origen360.com. This looks a heck of a lot like the early OurColony site, and Microsoft has a long history of using alt-reality gaming to sell us stuff.
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twoplayer comic: Not Who You Think
comic | 08/22/05 | Aaron Stanton
The controversies over video games that have been showing up in the news lately are not really new. Sure, Hot Coffee was a big deal because it undermined what the ESRB is trying to do, but attacks on the industry have been around a long time. In fact, certain personalities have been pushing the evils of video games, regardless of reality, for a while now. Not that we\'re naming names, or anything. Check out this week\'s twoplayer comic: Not Who You Think.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Women in Games International Announces Conference in Seattle
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
Women in Games International is a recently-formed organization aimed at addressing the growing demand around the world for the involvement of women in game development and the gaming industry. Their first gathering has been set for September 10, in Seattle, WA, and will feature a diverse array of speakers. Read on for the official press release.
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Water Cooler Games Slams IGDA's Sex & Games Group
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) has created a Special Interest Group to investigate the issue of \"sex in games.\" They\'ve gotten a handful of developers with an interest in the topic together, and they\'re investigating issues developers are currently facing. Sounds useful at the start, but Ian Bogost, noteworthy gaming journalist, has posted a critique of the effort on Watercooler Games that has us nodding our heads.
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Conker Live & Reloaded
game: Conker Live & Reloaded
review | 08/15/05 | Laurie Taylor
Conker was pretty much mindblowing when it came out for the N64. Of course, that was back in the day when GTA looked a lot like playing with Matchbox cars. Now that the gratuituous naughty humor is a bit more common in gaming, how does everyone\'s favorite raunchy squirrel hold up? Check Laurie\'s review for more.
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Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Bridge
game: Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Bridge
review | 07/15/05 | Chris Martin
Actiontec has been making wireless bridges for a long time, but none so small and sleek as the Actiontec 54 Mbps Wireless Router. We've tested it, we've played with it, we've even yelled at it. We've got the scoop here!
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twoplayer comic: Saving Advent
comic | 07/10/05 | Aaron Stanton
Beyond Good and Evil was one of the greatest games of all time, and its death was a blow to the gaming community that knew it existed. What\'s more sad is that its poor sales ended the life of the two games that were supposed to follow, ending the story before it was really finished. Now there\'s Advent Rising. Great Story. Poor execution. Saving Advent is this week\'s twoplayer comic.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Developers, Hug a Modder
Articles Archive | 07/08/05 | Aaron Stanton
Timesplitters Future Perfect has the best Xbox Live feature of any game on the market, and it has nothing to do with how well the voice chat works or whether or not you can play capture the castle. It's the ability for players to build and upload their own maps for download on Xbox Live. Aaron takes a moment to call on the next generation of gaming to go a step beyond that, and figure out how to integrate player created content into the console world, starting with Ghost Recon 3.
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Next Year. Swear to God.
how-to | 07/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
Funny that we\'d choose the Sunday before the 4th of July to take a bit more of a political slant on a gaming comic, but sometimes ideas come, and after a bit of thought I realized that there could be no better time to print a politically-tinged game cartoon than during the celebration of our country, of freedom, and of the ideals that make America great. Plus, it gives us an opportunity to make an old joke about Duke Nukem Forever, wherever it may be. This week\'s twoplayer game comic is called, Next Year. Swear to God.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Alan Wake Preview
game: Alan Wake
preview | 06/22/05 | Monica Hafer
Alan Wake was one of the standout games of E3 2005 (not to mention the dreamiest of male gaming characters). Featuring a psychological thriller storyline and amazing night/day and physics effects, this is a game unlike most others. Unfortunately, Remedy does not even have a publisher for this title. Our gal, Monica, has the details here.
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Elitism in Gaming (and the business model that supports it)
Articles Archive | 06/14/05 | Monica Hafer
The growth of the video game industry and the acceptance of gaming into mainstream society has brought about both positives and negatives. Companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft drive technology forward, but how does that leave the small, independent developers that helped give this industry its footing? An interview with Stardock reveals that there's a lot of spunk left in the independent market, and perhaps a healthier business model than the one currently driving the big boys.
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