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Search for 'PS2' returned 333 results.

Terminator 3: The Redemption
game: Terminator 3: The Redemption
review | 11/23/04 | Jeremy Kauffman
It's so easy to pass by those pesky movie based titles. How often are they any good, really? Most of the time, games based on movies miss the charm or the magic or whatever it was that made the movie good, and serve up nothing but a laundry list of formulaic gameplay. But not always. Read why T3: Redemption isn't just another movie game on rails? well? almost. Check out the full review.
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Guilty Gear Isuka
game: Guilty Gear Isuka
review | 11/22/04 | Eric Qualls
Fans of Guilty Gear X2 have been waiting nearly two years for a sequel, and Sammy has finally delivered it in Guilty Gear Isuka. Eric tells us if it was worth the wait.
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Taiko Drum Master
game: Taiko Drum Master
review | 11/21/04 | Eric Qualls
Taiko Drum Master comes with a special drum controller that you have to beat in time with onscreen icons. How can a game that comes with a drum not be fun? Fans of music and rhythm games are in for a treat. And kids bent on really ticking off the 'rents. And fans of the ancient art of taiko drumming. Or, maybe not...
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Time Crisis: Crisis Zone
game: Time Crisis: Crisis Zone
review | 11/13/04 | Eric Qualls
Fans of ducking and shooting are in for a treat with Time Crisis: Crisis Zone. All of the trademark Time Crisis ducking and shooting you can stand now with destructible environments. Read Eric's review to find out more.
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
review | 11/11/04 | Eric Qualls
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas lives up to the hype. Evolution, not revolution, is the key word here, but the enhancements made to San Andreas are still more than enough to make this the best GTA game yet.
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King of Fighters: Maximum Impact
game: King of Fighters: Maximum Impact
review | 11/09/04 | Eric Qualls
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact is SNK's latest attempt at a 3D fighter and the result is actually pretty good. Unlike the rest of the KoF series, Maximum Impact has the speed, controls, and flow to actually appeal to the mainstream and not just to hardcore SNK fans. Read our full review to find out more.
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Shadow Hearts: Covenant
game: Shadow Hearts: Covenant
review | 11/09/04 | Eric Qualls
With no major SquareEnix releases this holiday season for PS2, RPG gamers are free to open their arms and embrace the rest of the genre. Midway's Shadow Hearts: Covenant fills the void between Final Fantasies quite nicely and might make you forget all about spikey haired heroes or heroines in short shorts. Read all about it here.
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Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament
game: Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament
review | 10/24/04 | Eric Qualls
Yu Yu Hakusho is a lot like Dragon Ball Z. The main difference is that there is a whole lot more fighting and a lot less screaming about power levels in Yu Yu Hakusho. Both series focus on groups of powerful fighters taking on all comers...
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Gungrave Overdose
game: Gungrave Overdose
review | 10/24/04 | Matt James
Gungrave Overdose is madness. It is intense, chaotic, nearly nauseating, madness. I am talking about a game that begins with a seizure warning. Yeah, that's right; this game causes medical problems. And that is just the good parts...
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Future Tactics: The Uprising
game: Future Tactics: The Uprising
review | 08/25/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Bright and cartoony, you might wonder at first glance if Future Tactics: The Uprising might swim a tad bit on the shallow end of the pool. Well, you might be right. If you haven't had a chance to check out this semi-RPG with lots of bang and little else, click here to let Eric fill you in.
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Strike Force Bowling
game: Strike Force Bowling
review | 08/25/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Ever feel like bowling, but don't really have the energy to move? Ever wish you could just knock over pins without doing more than pressing the button on a keypad three times in a row? Strike Force Bowling might be just the ticket. Click here, and pretty soon you too can be a bowling master without doing almost anything at all. Trust us. It's as exciting as it sounds.
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La Pucelle Tactics
game: La Pucelle Tactics
review | 07/19/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
La Pucelle Tactics is the latest US release from Japanese developer Nippon Ichi. After last year's Disgaea won critical acclaim and was immediately embraced by hardcore gamers nationwide, the demand for another game from Nippon Ichi skyrocketed. Click here to see if this release is all that you hoped it would be.
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Spider-Man 2
game: Spider-Man 2
review | 07/19/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Movie / video game crossovers and the summer season go together like polygons and textures, but sadly these titles usually aren't all they're cracked up to be. However, there's an exception to every rule, so why don't you click here to see why Eric Qualls calls Spider-Man 2 "The best superhero game ever made".
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game: Pariah
preview | 07/10/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It's always good when a game comes along that gets the heart beating and the blood boiling. Pariah, from Groove Games, is a first person shooter that's captured the heart of one of this year's GamesFirst E3 crew. With beautiful graphics, an interesting story, and all sorts of extra goodies, you should click here to find out why one of our writers is nearly jumping up and down about it.
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game: Manhunt
review | 06/16/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
You might remember Manhunt from the splash it made on the PS2 not so long ago. Now it's taking its haunting atmosphere and uber violence to the Xbox and PC. We're pretty sure that Manhunt's ESRB rating of "Mature" really ought to have been "Adults Only", but adult gamers not feeling gore shy can look to Manhunt for a genuinely disturbing experience. Click here for the full review.
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