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Search for 'villians' returned 2 results.

Avengers Assemble!: Marvel Ultimate Alliance Review
game: Marvel Ultimate Alliance
review | 11/15/06 | Matt James
Listen up, X-Men Legends fans, Matt\'s about to do you one better: Marvel Ultimate Alliance. With a roster that includes many of Marvel\'s top tier characters and improved gameplay, RPG elements, and graphics, this is a title you have to try. Captain America, Invisible Woman, Spider-man, Blade, Wolverine...can I say it? \"Avengers Assemble!\" Oh yeah.
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INTERVIEW - Dana Bruno of BrunoReport.net
Articles Archive | 11/12/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Dana Bruno runs the one-woman-show, The Bruno Report (www.brunoreport.net), which has been getting more than a little notice recently due to her high profile involvement in the Search 4 E. Search 4 E (www.search4e.org) is a project underway from True Crime Press to utilize Websurfing civillians to help solve the mystery of what happened to the even more mysterious "E" (Ed Sobian, Eric Sobel, or Emil Sobiak, take your pick). Currently there is reluctance in the law enforcement community to take up the missing persons case, largely due to the fact that it is hard to determine whether E was kidnapped or ran away, so in a move spearheaded by James Pitt (the well-known author) and True Crime Press, private investigators have been brought in. The allure of large amounts of money and valuable items found by professional and amateur investigators researching the case has helped generate serious interest.
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