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Search for 'shooting' returned 10 results.

Student Declared Witch and Burned for Making In-Game Map of High School.
editorial | 05/02/07 | Aaron Stanton
When a student at Clements High School in Texas made a video game mod based on the layout of his local high school, he probably didn\'t expect the reaction it eventually received. Two months after the map was created, the Virginia Tech shootings happened, and authorities took the students map as a threat. Not only was he removed from the campus grounds and sent to an alternative school, he\'s been bared from participating in graduation. Yet no one seems to believe that he actually represented a threat to the community - in that no one seems convinced he was on the verge of picking up a gun and shooting someone. The only problem is that he did something that - some people, at least - connect to events like Virginia Tech. In other words, it didn\'t matter that he wasn\'t really a witch, merely that he looked enough like one to be punished.
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F.E.A.R. Extraction Point Review
game: F.E.A.R. Extraction Point
review | 11/22/06 | Sean Hilliard
Do you like shooting bad guys in the face with a variety of weapons? Then you\'re probably already familiar with F.E.A.R., last year\'s instant classic FPS from Monolith. We strapped our resident cheeky strategy freak Sean to a desk and made him play the new expansion pack to F.E.A.R., Extraction Point, until he swore Shawn was Alma and the rest of the GF! staff were clone troops. And that\'s one game that\'s sure to end badly. As part of his community service, we\'re making him write the review anyways. Enjoy!
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Time Crisis 4 Preview
game: Time Crisis 4
preview | 05/20/06 | RJ Brooks
The light-gun style genre might be set for a comeback in the near future. Nintendo is pressing new and unusual styles of interaction with the Wii, and shooting games reminiscent of the NES light zapper are sure to be a part of that. Not to be outdone, Namco was showing off the sequel to one of the most notable granddaddy\'s of the light-gun genre, Time Crisis 4. Traditionally released on the PS2, the Time Crisis series is looking true to form and has Rob excited after a bit of hands-on with the title at E3. Time Crisis keeps getting better with time.
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UberSoldier! Review
game: UberSoldier
review | 05/01/06 | Tristan Mayshark
If the slow pacing of FPS titles like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 put you off, UberSoldier might be able to offer a more mindless and action oriented experience at a budget price. Some players will think it\'s a wonderful excursion from the tedious, and some players will quite reasonably hate it. For the former group, this zombie-filled WWII shooter is worth the $29 that you\'ll put down at your local video game store. It embodies old-school first person shooting, executing the genre tried-and-true without all that complicated crap like an interesting plot.
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'Radiata' and 'Rainbow' Ship to Vendors
news | 09/07/05 | Chris Martin
It\'s a good week when two anticipated games come out side-by-side. And it\'s a nice rounded release too. Radiata Stories takes up the RPG end and R6: Lockdown is at the FPS end...everyone\'s happy! Wait, we\'re not just happy, we\'re ir-radiata-ing rainbows of joy that these two anticipated titles are finally here!
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twoplayer comic: C.O.D.
comic | 07/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
From the Hot Coffee modification in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to spy toys you can pick up at Wal-Mart, this has been a fairly busy week. In the midst of all that controversy about sex and violence in video games, there\'s nothing better than shooting things with a sniper rifle. Check out this week\'s twoplayer game comic, C.O.D.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Cops 2170: The Power Of Law
game: Cops 2170: The Power Of Law
review | 03/19/05 | Eric Bodrero
When a game touts mechanical rats capable of shooting at you, it's either a sign of genius, guts, or both on the part of the developer. In the case of Cops 2170, it's just the second; the combination of poor play dynamics and a few key design decisions leave the game with less of a positive punch than we could have hoped. If there is genius here, a few more months of development time before releasing the game onto the public might have made it more apparent. Read our full review to learn more.
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Time Crisis: Crisis Zone
game: Time Crisis: Crisis Zone
review | 11/13/04 | Eric Qualls
Fans of ducking and shooting are in for a treat with Time Crisis: Crisis Zone. All of the trademark Time Crisis ducking and shooting you can stand now with destructible environments. Read Eric's review to find out more.
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I am God Editorial
editorial | 11/11/02 | Shawn Rider
In an interesting twist, investigators in Montgomery County, MD are buying copies of Grand Theft Auto 3. Why? Phone calls to the sniper tips hotline suggested a possible connection between the shootings and the game. Ludicrous? Shawn thinks so. Check out his highly opinionated editorial, I am God? Click here.
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Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Review
game: Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix
review | 06/28/02 | Rick Fehrenbacher
Activision follows up their cult hit with a sequel that mostly gives the fans more of the same. Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix features nicer graphics and a more robust GHOUL system (which allows you to take out your enemies piece by piece), but the gameplay remains oriented around shooting, shooting, and shooting more. Click.
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