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Search for 'next-generation' returned 10 results.

Command & Conquer 3 Review
game: Command & Conquer 3
review | 07/27/07 | Chris Martin
It you asked us three years ago if console gamers would get a decent real time strategy game in the next-generation, our response would have probably been resounding: \"I wouldn\'t hold your breath.\" We were surprised, fellow readers, not to have only a single decent strategy game come to the Xbox 360, but to have two. Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth has already been critically received, and now Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars gets the royal treatment. If setting Orcs upon a faction of Elves doesn\'t get your heart racing, perhaps setting a herd of mammoth tanks on unsuspecting Nod extremists will.
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Bomberman Review
game: Bomberman
review | 10/19/06 | Matt James
Hudson Soft\'s classic Bomberman series makes a much better return on the PSP. Fans of classic Bomberman style and a PSP should check it out, but don\'t expect a \"next-generation\" of Bomberman here: Unlike the recent console remake of Bomberman, very little liberties are taken with the franchise, which leaves this one feeling a bit flat. Check out Matt\'s review of Bomberman for PSP to get the full story.
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Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter Review
game: Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
review | 03/28/06 | Aaron Stanton
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter is the first Tom Clancy-based title to make it to the Xbox 360. With Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six still in the development pipeline, Ghost Recon gets to prove to the world what Ubisoft can do with an excellent game franchise and the first next-generation console. The result is the best Ghost Recon to date, despite some issues with the controls and an apparent lack of Co-op interest from the developers. Easily one of the prettiest games on the Xbox 360, Ghost Recon is also one of the best experiences the system has to offer.
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Xbox Games Grew 77% Over System Life-Cycle, Suggests 360 DVDs Are (Mostly) Big Enough for Next-Generation
game: Xbox 360
feature | 01/19/06 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has received criticism for sticking to the DVD9 format for the Xbox 360. Concerned gamers point out that the 8.5 gigabytes of storage may not be enough to hold next-generation games. Sony\'s PS3 will use blu-ray, a format capable of storing several times the information of DVD9. But how big are Xbox 360 games? And how much will they grow, really? We take a look at the size of original Xbox titles to see how much they grew between 2001 and 2005, and compare them to the size of the Xbox 360 launch titles to make an educated guess about the DVD9\'s future needs. The conclusion? Well, you\'ll have to read to find out, but it generally makes Microsoft look like they know what they\'re doing. Don\'t enter a forum debate about blu-ray without reading this article.
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Perfect Dark Zero Review
game: Perfect Dark Zero
review | 11/23/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Joanna Dark finally makes her return on the Xbox 360 in the long awaited prequel, Perfect Dark Zero. Joanna is younger, hipper and has a few new tricks up her sleeve, but she also has a serious sophomore hill to climb: Perfect Dark was one of the genre-defining console FPS games on the N64 and gained a dedicated following. And in the new generation, comparisons to Halo are inevitable. Can PDZ manage to satisfy both the old school N64 fans and those expecting a next-generation marvel? Read and see.
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Alone in the Dark Coming to Xbox 360
game: Alone in the Dark
news | 10/06/05 | Shawn Rider
Atari announced in Amsterdam (at Microsoft\'s annual Xbox showcase, X05) a next-generation version of Alone in the Dark. The original survival horror game will get a full makeover by Eden Games, who will do much more than rehash the old games. Alone in the Dark will feature a free-roaming environment, full real-time physics modelling, and a completely interactive environment. Plus, it should look real pretty. Check out the promotional art we\'ve got here.
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The PlayStation 3: Stats and Impressions
game: The PlayStation 3: Stats and Impressions
preview | 05/18/05 | Chris Martin
Sony Computer Entertainment revealed their third incarnation of the PlayStation console at their press conference Monday. It's lean, mean, and coming in 2006.
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twoplayer comic: Meet Xbox 2 (Part 3)
comic | 05/01/05 | Aaron Stanton
We\'re two weeks from E3 2005. That sounds like a lot of fun, but it\'s really just a lot of work for us in the industry, and if there\'s one thing we at GF! generally dislike, it\'s work. It also means that we only have 12 days until Microsoft unveils their next-generation game console, so we figure there\'s still time for Meet Xbox 2 (Part 3) before we move on to poking fun at some other companies and games in the industry. For a little insight into what goes on behind the comics, including a little bit about the daily twoplayer comics we\'ll be doing over E3, be sure to read about it here (after checking out this weeks cartoon, of course). Remember, you can always find the latest twoplayer comics at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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PSP vs. Next-Generation Game Boy
preview | 09/12/03 | Gary Wong
A lot of this year\'s E3 buzz was about SOny\'s PSP handheld gaming device. That\'s a lot of talk about somehting no one has seen before, as Gary Wong tells us. GF\'s newest writer delivers a fantasic analysis of the handheld market, a look at its historical context, and it\'s chance at knocking off Nintendo\'s handheld behemoth
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In Search of... Xbox
Articles Archive | 09/22/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
A war is breaking out, a struggle for your time, your loyalty, and, most importantly, your money. The next-generation console battle is raging and the battles about to get hotter.
It should be common knowledge by now that Microsoft has tossed its hat into the console ring, but how much do you know about the ominously named Xbox? New details have finally been released, so here's the lowdown on Bill Gates' new toy.

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