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Search for 'gears of war' returned 10 results.

Why I'm Selling Back Gears of War When Halo 3 Comes Out
game: Gears of War
editorial | 09/20/07 | Chris Martin
Gears of War is considered one of the best shooters on the Xbox 360, scratch that, one of the best shooters period. But But Epic\'s gruesome stop-and-popper is still second best on Xbox Live losing to a last generation Halo 2. It\'s a great game, sure, but it has problems. Serious problems. Find out why Chris would be so quick to toss GoW to the wind, perhaps you sympathize.
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Viva Pinata Review
game: Viva Pinata
review | 01/25/07 | Chris Martin
With Viva Pinata, Rare has produced their first truly standout game since going to bat for Microsoft. The pinata-rearing simulation may look like a child\'s game, but it turns out to be one of the most addictive and deep games to ever grace the Xbox 360. Reminiscent of simulation and collection titles like The Sims and Animal Crossing, Viva Pinata is open and never ending, addictive and compelling, and one of the best games of the year. Because of its unusual style it\'ll never have a fan base the size of games like Gears of War, and most Xboxers will probably never buy a copy even though they almost certainly should. Read the full review for details on what makes this game so great.
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Gears of War Review
game: Gears of War
review | 12/19/06 | Chris Martin
The Xbox 360 needed a killer app to help counteract the release of both the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii, a game that would make their year-old system more appealing to potential Christmas shoppers. Well, Epic delivered with Gears of War, one of the best games to ever grace a game system. Even after the shiny new gleam has worn off, Gears of War continues to amaze, and promises to be a lasting online and offline hit for some time to come. Between Gears of War and Halo, Microsoft is holding some intellectual properties that will sell consoles, and you better bet that they know it.
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Gears of War: What is it Good For?
game: Gears of War
editorial | 12/07/06 | Chris Martin
Microsoft\'s Gears of War gets lots of things right. It offers an intense single/co-op campaign, a \"sweet-spot\" versus multiplayer of 4v4, and some of the best presentation ever in a videogame. But it also fumbles here and there in ways we would have liked to see ironed out. In this editorial, we analyze what we would love to see kept or improved on in the sequel.
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EA Exec: Foot In Mouth?
game: Gears of War
editorial | 11/12/06 | Chris Martin
Foot in the mouth? That\'s what we\'re thinking. When Alain Tascan, General Manager for EA Montreal, stated that Gears of War has \"zero innovation,\" we guess that soon after he was either munching on a big bowl of \"his own words\" or the rubber of a Doc Marten. Either way: here\'s our take.
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Gears of War Emerges Alongside PS3, Sony Makes Angry Face
game: Gears of War
news | 08/03/06 | Chris Martin
REDMOND, Washington - Aug. 3, 2006 - Microsoft offices today announced that Epic Games\', \"Gears of War\" has been given a solid release date. Gamers have been waiting for the game since its impressive showing at E3 2005, and we posted our hands-on multiplayer preview a while back. But now, \"Emergence Day\" is not so mysterious and, guess what, it\'s releasing in November, right alongside the PlayStation 3.
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E3 Exclusive: Hands on with Best of Show 06: Gears of War
game: Gears of War
preview | 05/15/06 | Chris Martin
Microsoft\'s 500 lbs gorilla this Fall is Gears of War. Not only did Gears manage to rip the GamesFirst! Best of Show trophy right out of our +5 Controller Grip, but it managed to prove to some jaded fellows that it is more than just another shooter. Featuring a focus on team-based strategic play, elements of quick-reflex skills, and some of the best audio and visuals we\'ve ever seen, Gears of War is the one game every Xbox 360 owner will buy this Fall.
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Brand New Gears of War Screens
game: Gears of War
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Gears of War is the new shooter from Cliffy B and the crew at Epic that\'s got everyone going, \"Damn!\" The visuals here are absolutely incredible, from the dirty textures of a wartorn humanity pitted against monstrous enemies from the bowels of the Earth, to the delicate lighting effects that challenge the greatest cinematographers and most sensitive painterly visions. We can only hope that the gameplay and story live up to the huge graphical promise of Unreal Engine 3. Check out these screens for a real idea of what the Xbox 360 can do.
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Gears of War Screens
game: Gears of War
news | 09/07/05 | Shawn Rider
Epic Games has been turning heads with Gears of War, the highly anticipated Xbox 360 title built on the next-gen Unreal Engine. Gears is a gorgeous sight to behold, and we\'re excited to have a few new screens to share with you. Check them out, and then check out our back-room E3 preview of Gears of War.
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E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
game: E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
preview | 05/24/05 | Aaron Stanton
One of the more polished games shown for the Xbox 360 at E3 2005, Gears of War is an over-the-shoulder shooter with a style reminiscent of Brute Force, only fun to play. While the world was wondering what the next generation titles would look like, screens from Gears of War have been on the Internet since E3 2004, when they were shown off under a different name for an Unreal 3 engine demonstration. Now we get to see more details about how the game plays as Aaron checks out the title behind closed doors.
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