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Search for 'development' returned 72 results.

E For All
news | 11/19/07 | Monica Hafer
E For All made its debut last month, attempting to be the more democratic, \"everyman\'s\" convention in the videogame industry. While its stature was smaller than E3 had been in the past, it certainly had a heck of a lot of heart. Monica was our eyes and ears on the scene of what might be the herald of a new focus in the world of game marketing and development.
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Bullet Witch Review
game: Bullet Witch
review | 03/16/07 | Chris Martin
With its anime influenced style, guns-blazing action, and destroy anything physics, what could go wrong? Bullet Witch is an example of a game that could have benefitted from a few more months in development. Though not without its surprises, Bullet Witch concedes to the same gameplay mechanics we\'ve been comfortable with for years. While it doesn\'t do anything really new with gameplay, it might be worth the rental if you\'re bored with everything else.
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Xbox 360 Sees Its First Unofficial NES Emulator
news | 01/29/07 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft\'s courtship of the homebrew game developer has led to the Xbox 360 running its first unofficial NES emulator. While not useful to the general public, a programmer by the name of Lone Coder used Microsoft\'s XNA Game Studio Express to convert an existing emulator - SharpNES - to run on XNA environments. That includes both PCs running Windows Vista and the Xbox 360. The development introduces the Xbox 360 to its first taste of unapproved retro-gaming, and while limitations built into Game Studio Express prevent a usable release on the 360, it\'s nice to see Microsoft take steps to embrace the homebrew community instead of alienating them.
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Manifesto Games: The Coolest Playground Around
game: Indi-Site ManifestoGames.com Launches
news | 10/16/06 | Aaron Stanton
The launch of Manifesto Games might not have caught the imagination of the mainstream game press, but it\'s like a playground for those of us interested in indi-game development. Manifesto is a portal that brings all the indi games you\'ve never heard of to the front row, letting you download demos and purchase games online. You might recognize some of the titles, but others are buried in obscurity. Most of them, though, share a sense of creativity that\'s sure to fire up interest. Some of the best games you\'ve never played can now be found in one easy-to-browse location. Check out Manifesto Games, and find that hidden diamond that you didn\'t even know you were missing.
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BAFTA Announces the Britsh Academy Video Game Awards Winners
news | 10/06/06 | Chris Martin
It\'s about damn time the video game industry got a respectable awards ceremony (that\'s a big f#$%-you to Spike TV, by the way). BAFTA actually has given awards to games that deserve them. To all the development companies out there, who put so much hard work into their games, there\'s finally a way to give to them the honor and respect they deserve. This is truly a first step to viewing video games as an art form. This year, LocoRoco and Tom Clany\'s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter get their due, as do Lego Star Wars II: the Original Trilogy, Dr. Kawashima\'s Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?, and The Movies, among others.
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Microsoft Shuts Down Halogen, Kills 3 Year Halo RTS Project
news | 09/11/06 | Aaron Stanton
In a sad, but not unexpected move, Microsoft has finally killed the Halogen Halo RTS project. Halogen, a fan created real-time strategy game based on the Halo intellectual property, has been under development for nearly three years. Now, due to a request from Microsoft the cease development, the project has stopped, and its creators promise that the project website will be pulled within the week. From the tone of the farewell letter posted on Halogen\'s site, you can tell that this is a long-expected development, but a sad one nonetheless.
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Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends Review
game: Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends
review | 08/05/06 | Jason Perkins
Microsoft Game Studios seemed to have a slight misstep with Age of Empires III, a fun if not limited RTS that almost redeemed itself with the home city feature. Rise of Nations, another MGS production under the development of Big Head Games was a beakout hit and critically acclaimed. The sequel, Thrones and Patriots, proved that they weren\'t going to fall into the Sophomore curse. Now with Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends, Big Head Studios has left the historic battleground for one of a new flavor - that of the fantastic. But while the gameplay favors variety, technical problems and some amateur voice acting hinder an otherwise spirited game.
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RTS+RPG=F-U-N, a Review of SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars
game: SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars
review | 07/01/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Blending RPG and RTS elements, SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars puts you in command of an army tasked with defending the known world from utter evil. OK, so the innovation doesn\'t exactly carry through to the narrative plot. Regardless, if you love RPGs and you love real-time strategy, then you will likely love SpellForce 2\'s hybrid. From masses of ground forces to aerial assaulting mythological creatures, SpellForce 2 manages to add a little bit of everything without spoiling the soup. Check out Blaine\'s review here.
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How Homebrew Development is Holding Up, System By System
news | 06/12/06 | Aaron Stanton
Systems like the original Xbox and Sony\'s PSP are praiseworthy on their own, but they can be made even better through the creative application of homebrew software. Enthusiast developed software has helped shape the console industry since the days of the Sega Saturn and the original PlayStation. This posting on the DCEmu forums takes a brief, but informed look at the state of homebrew development on today\'s and yesterday\'s systems. Included in the list are common consoles, like the Xbox, as well as older systems, like the DreamCast. It\'s an interesting read if you\'ve dabbled on the fringe of the community and are curious to hear an overview of how things stand.
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3D Realms Offered $500,000 to Release Duke Nukem by December 2006
game: Duke Nukem Forever
news | 06/10/06 | Aaron Stanton
Take Two Interactive renegotiated their contract with 3D Realms back in March, pulling two million dollars from the project at the same time as offering a $500,000 bonus if 3D Realms delivers by the end of the year. The $500,000 bonus is only paid if Duke Nukem Forever ships by December 31st, 2006. What does this mean for Duke Nukem? Well, it might get the title out the door. On the other hand, cutting money from the budget and then leaning on the developer to finish faster isn\'t exactly a formula for a quality game. A bonus might sound like a good idea, unless it leads to rushed development with lower standards.
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Trimersion: The Next Phase in VR HMDs
feature | 05/18/06 | Monica Hafer
Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are controversial devices: On the one hand, they fill your complete field of vision with generated graphics, creating an absolutely immersive experience. On the other hand, you cannot turn away from an HMD, and many folks feel claustrophobic or motion-sick using the devices. On the third hand, hired models in shiny silver outfits with laser guns and futuristic virtual reality helmets are so cool-looking that we just have to stop and check them out. Monica checks in on the development of the Trimersion HMD system, compatible with game consoles and PCs. Get the full details here.
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Crackdown Preview
game: Crackdown
preview | 05/18/06 | RJ Brooks
Microsoft has been scooping up some of the most promising international talent in game development, and Real Time Worlds is no exception. Headed by David Jones, former head of the (in)famous DMA Studios, who created the Grand Theft Auto series, Real Time Worlds has produced a second-gen Xbox 360 title that exemplifies where next-gen gaming can go. Crackdown offers free-roaming free-play augmented by incredibly interactive environments and totally futuristic social gaming features. Check out Robert\'s review here.
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Building a New Shadowrun for Live Anywhere
game: Shadowrun
editorial | 05/15/06 | Aaron Stanton
Fans of the Shadowrun franchise became excited last week when Microsoft announced the development of a new Shadowrun title. After ten years of being off the computer game market, the intellectual property will be returning to the Xbox 360 and Windows Vista. It\'ll also be the premier title for Live Anywhere, Microsoft\'s new multiplayer service that puts PC users against Xbox 360 users. But without a storyline and game intervals of only 4 minutes each, is Shadowrun abandoning the roots that made it famous? How far can Shadowrun be changed and still be Shadowrun? We take a look at the changes that are being applied to the Shadowrun universe, and whether or not that\'s a good thing or a bad thing.
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Nintendo Revolution to Get New Dragon Ball Z
game: Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
news | 04/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
Atari has announced that yet another title is under development for the Nintendo Revolution, this time a Dragon Ball Z game. In a press release earlier this morning, Atari announced Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 for the Revolution, saying that, \"The... controller featured with Nintendo Revolution is perfectly suited for Dragon Ball Z... which engages players with fast-paced fighting moves.\" Dragon Ball Z games on the current generation have mixed fighting with RPG elements to varying degrees of success. We\'ll see how that translates onto Nintendo\'s new platform.
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Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter Review
game: Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
review | 03/28/06 | Aaron Stanton
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter is the first Tom Clancy-based title to make it to the Xbox 360. With Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six still in the development pipeline, Ghost Recon gets to prove to the world what Ubisoft can do with an excellent game franchise and the first next-generation console. The result is the best Ghost Recon to date, despite some issues with the controls and an apparent lack of Co-op interest from the developers. Easily one of the prettiest games on the Xbox 360, Ghost Recon is also one of the best experiences the system has to offer.
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