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Search for 'convention' returned 9 results.

E For All
news | 11/19/07 | Monica Hafer
E For All made its debut last month, attempting to be the more democratic, \"everyman\'s\" convention in the videogame industry. While its stature was smaller than E3 had been in the past, it certainly had a heck of a lot of heart. Monica was our eyes and ears on the scene of what might be the herald of a new focus in the world of game marketing and development.
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Getting my Geek on at Comic-Con 2007
editorial | 09/05/07 | Monica Hafer
Our roving reporter Monica Hafer, in search of excitement and mayhem, wound in up San Diego for this year\'s Comic-Con. This year was the biggest turnout in its history, selling out all four days of the convention. Prepare to be delighted in the latest comics, games, and costumes that our girl could find and pictures of some of the festivities!
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E3 Is No More: After the Shock
news | 08/03/06 | Aaron Stanton
E3 has fundamentally ceased to exist. You\'ve probably heard. Last year, E3 was attended by over 70,000 people. Next year, the ESA estimates attendance will fall somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000, making it smaller PAX. The L.A. Convention Center is a thing of the past, given up in favor of hotels throughout the L.A. area. What does it mean to have the industry\'s largest event disappear with no warning at all, nearly overnight? Half the industry is breathing a sigh of relief, and the other half has already opened a questing eye looking for the next event to take its place. The opportunity for random discovery has diminished, but the chance to get actual, useful information out of the event has increased immensely. We can only wonder at the consequences. GamesFirst and E3 were started at nearly the same time, within a year of each other, and it\'s like seeing a brother get married or something. They\'re still there, but you don\'t get to hang out with them as much anymore.
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Reporting from NAB in Vegas
feature | 05/15/06 | Monica Hafer
Ever wonder what\'s new in the world of broadcasting technology? The National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas features not only the latest in radio and television broadcasting and technology, but also the newest items in Film, DVD, and multi-media. Monica braved the gauntlet of vendors in Vegas to bring you a few of her favorite things relating to both film and videogaming technology.
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Protesting Booth Babes Kicked Out By E3 Security
news | 05/11/06 | Aaron Stanton
Booth babes have been a hot topic at E3 this year. The ESA has instigated additional enforcement policies to help control the extent to which booth babes reveal their bodies, and not everyone is happy about that. When two girls in revealing clothing showed up outside the convention center with signs that read, \"Booth Babe Protest: I\'m \"E\" for Everyone,\" and, \"Bikinis > Bullets,\" we couldn\'t help but stop for an interview. When E3 security showed up to chase them off the grounds, we also couldn\'t help but throw a press credential, a camera, and a little weight into the mix in an attempt to put it to The Man. Seems to have worked.
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Lost Garden Challenges Conventional Wisdom of Game Industry
news | 11/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Danc from Lost Garden ruffled a lot of feathers with his article about Nintendo\'s Revolution controller a couple months ago (as did all the greatest gaming websites). Now he\'s come out again with another sharp bit of criticism and advice for the industry: Broaden your horizons, or remain a niche form of entertainment. It\'s easy to forget about how few gamers there really are when we put ourselves into communities where everyone shares our interests. Why is there such a crisis about getting women involved in gaming? Because ultimately, the games industry cannot survive if it does not diversify, both in the people who make games and in the people who play games. Danc\'s article is an absolute must-read for anyone who truly loves games.
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Blizzcon 2005 Happening This Weekend
news | 10/29/05 | Shawn Rider
Blizzard\'s annual gathering, BlizzCon, is happening in Anaheim, CA this weekend. So far announcements include more details about the WoW expansion The Burning Crusade, as well as more info about Starcraft: Ghost multiplayer. In addition, there\'s all sorts of BlizzCon wackiness. Plus, we\'re still hoping to hear more about the rumored Diablo III MMO for Xbox 360. What?! Yeah, that\'s the word on the street, according to the folks who run WoW Guru and affiliated sites. Check the links for more info.
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Video Game Theory: The Videogame to Movie Craze: A trend that has to end?
Articles Archive | 03/05/05 | Chris Martin
Using many of the same storytelling conventions as the movie industry, it's not surprising that game plots have been turning up on film pretty consistently these days; few, as of yet, are really any good. What makes it so hard to turn a good game into a good movie? Is one medium really incompatible with the other? Chris doesn't think so, and he explains his views in this excellent and informed perspective of game-to-movie adaptations. If you don't want to lose faith in the movie industry's ability to make competent movies out of what should be excellent source material, this is an article you need to read before catching films like Alone in the Dark.
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EDITORIAL - The RPG Experience: Conventions and Not Beyond
Articles Archive | 04/20/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
RPG is a game in which character development and character interaction take precedence over other factors and where each player's experience of the story is determined by individual choice rather than designer fiat . . . Of greatest importance, this definition eliminates adventure games, which share with the RPG an emphasis on story and character. What adventure games lack - and this is a critical point - is the capability for players to grow and develop their characters, and to affect, if not the outcome of the story, than the way in which the story unfolds. Without both character development and genuine choices placed within a player's control, a game cannot be called a role-playing game, as I choose to define the genre (Remodeling 1).

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