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Search for 'circuit' returned 5 results.

Circuit City Tries to Charge $28.99 for Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility
news | 09/04/06 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s common for companies to sell services that a customer could easily do themselves with a little training; it\'s often more convenient to pay someone to do the job than to take the time to learn. But now, Circuit City is offering to install software on your Xbox 360 that is basically shipped preinstalled from the manufacturer. For a fee of $28.99, Circuit City will install software that lets you play original Xbox titles on your Xbox 360. Their advertising doesn\'t mention that many Xbox games can be played without their \"software\" installation, or that what they\'re really offering to do is to install a free update from Microsoft. The problem isn\'t the service, it\'s the misleading style of the service, and we sincerely hope the practice changes very soon.
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GTR: FIA Racing Review
game: GTR: FIA Racing
review | 10/23/05 | Chris Martin
Hardcore racing sim fans take note: GTR: FIA Racing is an out-of-left-field contender for the racing sim hall of fame. Built on real data from the FIA racing circuit, GTR: FIA Racing features tense simulations with some of the best opponent driver AI we\'ve ever seen in any racing title. It doesn\'t have the catalog of vehicles or the over-the-top graphics beauty of a Gran Turismo or Project Gotham, but this one has plenty of get up and go.
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Nintendo vs. Sony Undercard - Handheld Circuit
Articles Archive | 02/17/05 | Gary Wong
After nearly a decade squaring off in the home console arena, Nintendo and Sony prepare to wage battle in the increasingly lucrative handheld market. Will Sony's sleek PSP do the unthinkable and slay Nintendo's two-headed DS? It's too early to tell, but it's never too early to speculate.
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interview | 05/20/03 | Shawn Rider
He\'s the top-ranked professional gamer in the world, and he\'s also an incredibly nice guy. Jonathan \"Fatal1ty\" Wendel sits down with us to talk gaming, equipment, the professional competition circuit, and all about his biggest love: games. Click here for the interview.
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Articles Archive | 11/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It turns out that in Montgomery County, Maryland, police are looking into "tips" they received on their sniper hotline concerning Grand Theft Auto 3, as described in this article from The Jeffersonian. Callers phoning the line apparently reported that in Grand Theft Auto 3 you could use a sniper rifle to shoot whomever you'd like. So in the interest of thoroughly investigating the case, several police officers from the Montgomery County Police Department have purchased GTA3 from a Circuit City over the past couple weeks. Are these guys doing a bunch of hard work, or are they simply catching up on their games?
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