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Search for 'bounty hunter' returned 6 results.

Metroid Prime: Hunters Review
game: Metroid Prime: Hunters
review | 03/30/06 | George Holomshek
Since the release of the Nintendo DS gamers have been anticipating the DS-exclusive, Metroid Prime: Hunters. Featuring a funky touch-screen control style, Metroid-classic adventure gaming and a robust online multiplayer mode, Hunters might just be all it\'s cracked up to be. This is the first time the GF! staff has been so addicted to online multiplayer in a handheld shooter; a revamped friends system and voice chat enhance the experience in many ways. Our resident Nintendophile George found time to write up this review of Hunters in-between sessions of spanking GF! Assistant Editor, Aaron Stanton in online bouts. (7-0 Aaron? Are you sure you\'re qualified for this job?)
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Star Wars Bounty Hunter Review
game: Star Wars Bounty Hunter
review | 02/16/03 | Jason Frank
His backpack has jets. He\'s Jango the Fett. He\'s Boba\'s daddy and the template for every clone in the Clone Wars. Star Wars Bounty Hunter puts you in control of Jango Fett as he blasts his way across the universe, cleansing it of treacherous scum and villainy on a mission for the most scummy and villainous of them all. Clickity-click-click.
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Star Wars Bounty Hunter Review (GC)
game: Star Wars Bounty Hunter Review (GC)
review | 02/09/03 | Jason Frank
His backpack has jets. He\'s Jango the Fett. He\'s Boba\'s daddy and the template for every clone in the Clone Wars. Star Wars Bounty Hunter puts you in control of Jango Fett as he blasts his way across the universe, cleansing it of treacherous scum and villainy on a mission for the most scummy and villainous of them all. Clickity-click-click.
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INTERVIEW - Niel Wiser, President & Founder of UltraPrime Network
Articles Archive | 01/19/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Evolvers: A well selected name for what could constitute an entirely new perspective on massively multiplayer gaming. For years there have been videogames that have attempted to mimic the look and feel of Hollywood: vampire slayers, star trekkers, bounty hunters “ slews of voice actors trying to mimic other people in the name of a good videogame. It's amazing how rarely they succeed. Similarly, there are times when storylines built with the controls of a console or played out on the screen of the PC are used to produce a feature film. Resident Evil. Final Fantasy.
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Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter Preview (Xbox, PS2, GC)
game: Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter
preview | 07/01/02 | Shawn Rider
Crave brings us a way cool combination of space and planet based first person shooter. Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter creates a seamless world where you chase down bounties, cap on aliens, fly around several different spaceships, and generally rule the universe. So far there isn\'t a downside to this one. Click for more.
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Star Wars Bounty Hunter Preview
game: Star Wars Bounty Hunter
preview | 06/19/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
LucasArts brings us another really cool-looking Star Wars game. Star Wars Bounty Hunter allows you to assume the role of Jango Fett. Promising to flesh out the backstory of this mysterious figure (whose cool is trumped only by his son, Boba). Jetpacks, laser pistols, large environments and plenty of bounties to collect make this game a Star Wars fan\'s dream. Click here.
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