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Search for 'backwards compatibility' returned 6 results.

PS3 Backwards Compatibility Makes PS2 Games Look Terrible
game: Playstation 3
editorial | 12/14/06 | Aaron Stanton
The PS3 has not had an easy launch. While the mainstream media has been treating the system very MTV-like (with unquestioning adoration), Sony\'s street credit amongst the hardcore has been taking almost daily blows. From problems with HDTV support to shortages at launch, Sony just hasn\'t been getting the positive consumer response they probably wanted. Now, Joystiq.com is reporting on a YouTube video that highlights just how bad PS2 games look when run on the PS3\'s backwards compatibility. The side-by-side comparison video between a PS2 game running on the PS3 vs. an actual PS2 is really fairly stunning. The PS2 beats the PS3 hands down, and does so clearly enough that you don\'t have to be picky to notice the difference. Check out the article for more information.
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Circuit City Tries to Charge $28.99 for Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility
news | 09/04/06 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s common for companies to sell services that a customer could easily do themselves with a little training; it\'s often more convenient to pay someone to do the job than to take the time to learn. But now, Circuit City is offering to install software on your Xbox 360 that is basically shipped preinstalled from the manufacturer. For a fee of $28.99, Circuit City will install software that lets you play original Xbox titles on your Xbox 360. Their advertising doesn\'t mention that many Xbox games can be played without their \"software\" installation, or that what they\'re really offering to do is to install a free update from Microsoft. The problem isn\'t the service, it\'s the misleading style of the service, and we sincerely hope the practice changes very soon.
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Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility List Updated, Counterstrike Gets Its Day
news | 08/29/06 | Chris Martin
Boo buggy backwards compatibility. Horray Updated BC List! Major Nelson just blogged that there are new additions to the Xbox 360 backwards compatibility list. Some are going to freak out that Counterstrike is included and that Half-Life 2 will actually not suck on the 360. More good news inside!
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GamesFirst! Mailbag
feature | 11/21/05 | Matt James
This week in the Mailbag it\'s clear what\'s on gamer\'s minds: Xbox 360. With questions rolling in daily about the hard drive, backwards compatibility, and media features on the Xbox, we\'re doing our best to keep up. Check out this week\'s roundup of letters to GF! wherein you will witness not only answers to burning Xbox questions, but also the true power Matt wields to bestoweth the highly sought after \"shout out.\"
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Microsoft Releases Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility List
game: Xbox 360
news | 11/12/05 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has released an initial list of Xbox games that will be supported for emulation on Xbox 360. We know Halo and Halo 2 will be featured (and it\'s rumored that they will sport some kind of extra buffs and/or graphical polish), but what else can we expect? Just to save you some time and alleviate your worries, we\'re glad to confirm the following titles are on the supported games list: Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue, Circus Maximus, BMX XXX, and the entire Cabela\'s Xbox catalog. So you\'re pretty much covered.
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Nintendo Starts a Revolution
Articles Archive | 05/18/05 | Eric Bodrero
Nintendo showed off the Revolution to a crowd of hungry fans and attendant media on Tuesday, and today we got to see a bit more of the device on the show floor at E3. And while some serious bombs were dropped (backwards compatibility for 20 years of Nintendo games -- What!?!), the Revolution is stil shrouded in mystery. Get the details we know right here.
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