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Search for 'World War II' returned 13 results.
game: Company of Heroes
review | 11/04/06 | Sean Hilliard
Best RTS of all time? After sending our strategy freak Sean Hiliard into the battlefield, he realized that Company of Heroes is all that and a bag of potato chips. It might just be the best real-time strategy game of all time, and it is without a doubt the best strategy game of 2006. Get off your footlocker soldier! We have the reasons why you won\'t want to miss this one, private.
game: Rush for Berlin
review | 06/21/06 | Sean Hilliard
Get your combat boots, helmet and double rations of vodka ready. No, it\'s not another night out on the town with the GF! staff, it\'s Rush for Berlin, the latest WWII strategy game. Stop groaning, it actually isn\'t that bad. Especially after a couple double rations of vodka. Check in with GF!\'s shell-shocked and stodgy wargamer, Sean, for more irreverence and colorful insights than you can shake a potato masher at.
game: Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday
review | 05/21/06 | Sean Hilliard
Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday may not be the casual gamer\'s best intro to the uberhardcore world of wargaming, but it\'s not half bad, either. If you\'re a n00b to the strategy wargame, then you might want to cut your teeth somewhere else. But if you\'re aching for some serious, strategic global warfare, then Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday might be worth your weekend. Get the full review from our shell-shocked reporter, Sean Hilliard.
game: Commandos Strike Force
review | 05/18/06 | Sean Hilliard
Ahhh, the Commandos series. GF! editors know a classic series when we see one and had high hopes for the new Commandos Strike Force. However, it soon became apparent that a Commandos FPS is a bad idea. How bad? Well, let\'s just say we can think of a half-dozen other WWII shooters we\'d play before Strike Force. Check Sean\'s review for the full gore.
game: Blitzkrieg 2
review | 10/25/05 | Blaine Krumpe
CDV\'s Blitzkrieg 2 is a hardcore grognard\'s dream: RTS gameplay simulations of famous WWII battles. Playing as either an American, Russian or German commander, you make the decisions about where and how to deploy your land, air or sea ordinance. The 3D graphics engine makes for some pretty explosions, and the rag doll physics makes the battle truly brutal. Visceral and complex, Blitzkrieg 2 is a must-play for any WWII buffs or RTS fans.
game: Call of Duty 2
preview | 10/13/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Call of Duty 2 puts gamers back in the role of American, British, and Russian soldiers fighting for the Allies in World War II. Known for its gritty depiction of the battlefield, Call of Duty 2 amps up the realism and immersive qualities. Everything from the AI of enemies and allies to the stellar graphics and enhanced environments have been improved upon, making Call of Duty 2 one of the most hectic battlefield simulations out there. Check out Blaine\'s preview here.
game: Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
news | 08/21/05 | Shawn Rider
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 is a World War II-based tactical military shooter, and is known for its realism and attention to strategic detail. Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood is the sequel to Road to Hill 30, following closely on the heels of its predecessor. Get the latest screenshots here.
game: Call of Duty 2
preview | 05/03/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Since the release of Brothers in Arms, World War II FPS games have had a higher standard to work towards in order to compete. Even well established franchises like Call of Duty will have to battle hard to separate themselves from a saturated genre. Blaine breaks away from his original Call of Duty binge to look over what we know about Call of Duty 2. What can we expect from the next generation title?
game: Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30
review | 04/07/05 | Chris Martin
In a genre crowded with other titles based on similar concepts, how can a World War II FPS distinguish itself? In Brothers in Arms' case, you simply craft an experience with such detail and attention to the atmosphere of war that the player can't help but feel the bullets zipping by their head. Put aside all those other games that try to offer authentic WWII fighting experience; no one does the job quite as well as Gearbox Software's Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30. Be sure to read the full review.
game: Call of Duty: Finest Hour
review | 01/10/05 | Chris Martin
Call of Duty on the PC offered a crafted and immersive jaunt through the bowels of World War II. Does Finest Hour do the same? Take a look at Call of Duty on the console, and you'll find a run-and-gun shooter trailing a slightly different path than its PC brother. Read the review for details.
game: Call of Duty
preview | 02/23/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It looks like Call of Duty has got Blaine Krumpe revved up and ready to go. Check out what he has to say about this World War II game after hooking up at a friend's for an hour or two.
game: P.O.W.
preview | 06/06/02 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s World War II, and here you are stuck in a P.O.W. camp. No guns, no killing, none of that traditional war game crap. Codemaster\'s latest endeavor, P.O.W., puts you in the role of an American prisoner trying to escape a German camp. The emphasis is on strategy, stealth, and planning the great escape. Click here for more.
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Lately I've been spending a lot of time with my copy of Norm Koger's The Operational Art of War, and I have a lot of nice things to say about it. It's deep, it's fun, it's got a great interfacewell, OK, it's just a great game. In any case, I was happily playing along in the spiffy 2D mode, feeling nice and comfortable with the familiar board wargame look of the game, when my son looked over my shoulder and suggested we try the 3D view of the game, "you know, the one where the tanks look like tanks instead of chits of cardboard." Figuring it wouldn't hurt to humor him, I switched over to 3D, andGreat Patton's Ghost!--we were confronted with a sight to freeze one's very soulthat of the ugliness that lies at the heart of wargaming. We witnessed wraith-like infantry, indistinct vehicles, Germans wearing green uniforms, Allies grey. It was like World War II on food poisoning.
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The cake is a lie.