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Search for 'Rumble' returned 4 results.

Sony Gets It: Rumble Is A-Go!
news | 09/20/07 | Chris Martin
Sony announced today that their Dualshock will have a third iteration, complete with rumble feature and six-axis motion control. I guess there was enough room in there after all. Inside this article are a list of games that will work with the rumble feature, as well as some that will have software updates in order to take advantage of the new controller.
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Kroes to Microsoft: 'I Will Not Tolerate Repeated Non-Compliance'
news | 09/18/07 | Chris Martin
While we here in Seattle get to watch the Mariners crumble in what was a pretty decent year, we also get front page Microsoft news, regularly. Today, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that the European Court of First Instance, in a move upholding key elements of the March 2004 European Commission Decision, declared the American company responsible for misusing it\'s Windows monopoly. Specifically, the company packages Windows Media Player with their Windows software, a la trojan horse, allowing market dominance of the software. Microsoft to EU court: \"the decision on the Media Player opens a dangerous precedent for other companies and sectors. Airbus should start worrying about adding new features to their planes.\"
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Will the 'Station Rumble Soon?
editorial | 09/17/07 | Chris Martin
This article came by way of Shacknews, but originated from Pro-G who reported (citing some insider info) that Sony is likely to announce at TGS a new Dual Shock (we are only on #2, at this point) in an effort to cover their bloodied SIXAXIS tracks right into your living room. The rumored \"update\" looks an attempt to curb the potty mouths of internet users and Sony bashers everywhere, and comes hot off negotiations with rumble manufacturers (and patent holders) Immersion. And it\'s about damn time, since the PlayStation pioneered rumble anyway. Now that rumble is being reconsidered in the PS3, is it enough? Will it be enough? We give our two cents.
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Like DOA With Booty: Rumble Roses XX Review
game: Rumble Roses XX
review | 05/15/06 | Tristan Mayshark
There aren\'t a lot of choices for wrestling games on the Xbox 360 right now, and it would be debatable to claim that Rumble Roses XX fills the niche to the exclusion of other attempts. Rumble Roses is to booty what the DOA series is to chesty-ness. If the previous sentence makes sense in a positive way, then Rumble Roses is probably for you. But if it seems a bit \"pervy\" to play games where a primary focus is ogling the animated characters in a sexual way, then you might want to be satisfied merely reading Tristan\'s review. Check it out here.
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