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Search for 'Raven Software' returned 6 results.

Avengers Assemble!: Marvel Ultimate Alliance Review
game: Marvel Ultimate Alliance
review | 11/15/06 | Matt James
Listen up, X-Men Legends fans, Matt\'s about to do you one better: Marvel Ultimate Alliance. With a roster that includes many of Marvel\'s top tier characters and improved gameplay, RPG elements, and graphics, this is a title you have to try. Captain America, Invisible Woman, Spider-man, Blade, Wolverine...can I say it? \"Avengers Assemble!\" Oh yeah.
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Quake 4 Review
game: Quake 4
review | 12/21/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Quake 4 arrives on the Xbox 360 and all of its next-gen processing glory and gore. Built on the Doom 3 engine for super-hot graphical prowess, this time out ye olde Quake features both a single-player Strogg hunting single-player story and the intense arena action we\'ve come to expect from the series. But can a few Halo-like improvements rocket-jump Quake 4 to the top of your holiday wishlist? Check Jeremy\'s review to find out.
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Quake 4 Review
game: Quake 4
review | 12/07/05 | Blaine Krumpe
id Software is a lumbering juggernaut in the industry, and their new Doom 3 engine is one of the most incredible technologies to hit games. So, of course, we were stoked to get our hands on some Quake IV action, built on the Doom engine. Raven Software handles the development duties this time out, and for fans of high energy running and gunning, Quake IV doesn\'t get much better than this. Blaine takes it for a spin and delivers the review of the PC version. Can it hold up to the high expectations of the fragging masses? Check here to find out.
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E3 2005: X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
game: E3 2005: X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
preview | 05/30/05 | George Holomshek
X-Men Legends was a popular title, and X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse looks to be a significant improvement. New features and gameplay elements should satisfy both hardcore X-Men fans as well as the general gaming audience.
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Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Preview (Xbox, GC)
game: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
preview | 09/21/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
LucasArts brings their award-winning PC title to the Xbox and Gamecube, and we all figure Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast is going to be just as much fun to play on the consoles. Look for the Jedi action to begin in November. Click here for the full preview.
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Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Review (PC)
game: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
review | 06/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Welcome our newest GF! member, Todd Allen, to the fray. He gets things kicked off with a very nice review of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. Slangin\' lightsabers and flingin\' force lightening never felt, looked, or played so good. This has been the PC hit of the spring (pre-GTA3 of course), so check it out. Click here.
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