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Search for 'Rainbow Six: Lockdown' returned 2 results.

GF! Weekly Wrap-Up
podcast | 09/18/05 | Val Townsend
This week\'s Wrap-Up features the latest news from the Tokyo Game Show, including news of the Nintendo Revolution controller and Xbox 360 release dates. This week\'s reviews feature Big Mutha Truckers 2 (PS2, Xbox), Beatdown: Fists of Vengeance (PS2, Xbox), and Rainbow Six: Lockdown (PS2, Xbox). Val also takes an early look at Lost in Blue for Nintendo DS, which looks like it will be a cool survival sim. You know you can\'t wait for it.
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Rainbow Six: Lockdown Review
game: Rainbow Six: Lockdown
review | 09/13/05 | Aaron Stanton
Rainbow Six is a game franchise that we really cherish here at GamesFirst, so when Lockdown came out with horrible flaws we couldn\'t help but feel disappointed. Truth is, the game\'s entire AI system is just plain stupid. We didn\'t think you\'d believe us if we just showed you pictures and wrote about being able to withstand 7.5 minutes of weapon fire, so we\'ve included video clips of our character being all immortal and impervious to bullets. Funny thing; you actually die more if you take cover. Check it out.
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