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Search for 'Psychic' returned 2 results.

Tales of Legendia Arriving in February
game: Tales of Legendia
preview | 01/30/06 | Amanda Bateman
Namco\'s Tales of Legendia, the newest edition to the Tales series, gives us a whole new spin on the term \'castaway\'. Tales of Legendia combines a classic fantasy roleplaying game with a unique battle system involving fighting game elements. Legendia has now officially \"gone gold,\" which means American gamers will be playing it in no time. Our own Amanda Bateman got the early scoop on Tales of Legendia in this preview.
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Second Sight
game: Second Sight
review | 02/23/05 | Chris Martin
It seems like a fundamental rule of thumb in video games: coma = amnesia and psychic powers. Few games execute the mystery and atmosphere of such creepy going-ons, though, as well as Free Radical's budget title Second Sight. It's atmospheric and story driven, and worth your money if you're looking for a game that will keep your interest. Read the full review to find out the details.
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