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Search for 'Painkiller' returned 5 results.
podcast | 12/16/05 | Val Townsend
Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, is back again with lucky podcast number 13. This week, we take a look at the latest news, including speculation on Nintendo\'s recently hinted \"secret\" regarding the upcoming Revolution console, as well as Clinton and Lieberman\'s Family Entertainment Protection Act. We also have reviews of Perfect Dark Zero and King Kong. Finally, we take a look at Dreamcatcher Interactive\'s cult-hit Painkiller, coming to an Xbox near you in January. Download the latest audio offering from your pals at GF! right here.
game: Painkiller: Hell Wars
preview | 12/06/05 | Tristan Mayshark
Painkiller is headed from the PC to the Xbox next January, and it has survived the transition nearly unscathed. This is good for Xbox owners who have not yet made the jump to the 360, as well as anyone looking for a nice diversion during the Winter doldrums of 2006. Painkiller: Hell Wars puts players into a fast and furious FPS carnage fest, and Tristan has the hands-on experience to compare this to the cult hit released last year for PC.
game: Painkiller
review | 08/25/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Looking for a game that's fast paced, ominous, looks great, and isn't called Doom 3? Painkiller might be the answer as you take on the role of another type of demon hunter. Arm yourself to fight the good fight and win your way out of purgatory by doing the dirty work of the big fellow in charge. Learn about how it's done.
game: Painkiller
preview | 07/20/03 | Tristan Mayshark
Dreamcatcher Interactive has what just might be their first full-fledged hit on their hands. Painkiller is still early in development, but so far the super pretty visuals and visceral gameplay have won it some notice. Now all they and developer People Can Fly have to do is land this baby in an appropriate manner. Exciting.
game: Painkiller
preview | 07/20/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Dreamcatcher Interactive has what just might be their first full-fledged hit on their hands. Painkiller is still early in development, but so far the super pretty visuals and visceral gameplay have won it some notice. Now all they and developer People Can Fly have to do is land this baby in an appropriate manner. Exciting. Click here for more.
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