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Search for 'Matrix' returned 2 results.

SOE Announces Station Access: One Subscription for Multiple MMOs
game: The Station Access Collection
news | 02/14/06 | Shawn Rider
Sony Online Entertainment announced today that they would offer the new Sony Station Access program. For a single monthly subscription of $21.99 gamers can access several popular MMOs including Everquest, The Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and Planetside. In all, over 10 titles in five active online worlds are included in the Station Access membership, and some titles, such as Everquest II, have been upgraded to allow more character slots. The Station Access Collection will be sold at retail for $39.99 and will offer five games for PC and a free 30-day trial of the Station Access subscription. Read more here.
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Matrix Online
game: Matrix Online
review | 04/25/05 |
The Matrix Online is based on a series of movies that are renowned for their fast-paced and choreographed fight scenes. Can a massively multiplayer title possibly hope to convey that same intensity? Can a franchise so dependent on the style of its combat make a good showing in a game that pulls the real-time action in favor of a turn-based system? Find out what our man Larson has to say after experiencing TMO in the weeks before and after its launch.
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