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Search for 'Lost Kingdoms II' returned 2 results.

Lost Kingdoms II Review
game: Lost Kingdoms II
review | 07/06/03 | Eric Qualls
Activision brings us a little bit of what Gamecube owners are dying to get: an RPG! Lost Kingdoms II is the sequel to the first RPG released for the GC, and it shows significant improvements. Unfortunately, it\'s still a fairly brief card-collecting game with a thin storyline. RPG fans should read this review before buying. Click here.
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Lost Kingdom 2
game: Lost Kingdom 2
review | 07/06/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Activision brings us a little bit of what Gamecube owners are dying to get: an RPG! Lost Kingdoms II is the sequel to the first RPG released for the GC, and it shows significant improvements. Unfortunately, it's still a fairly brief card-collecting game with a thin storyline. RPG fans should read this review before buying. Click here.
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