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Search for 'Live Arcade' returned 11 results.

XBL Arcade Review: Undertow
game: Undertow
review | 12/05/07 | Chris Martin
Undertow is what Xbox Live Arcade needs more of: a simple premise with perfect execution and excellent multiplayer through Live. Play with up to 16 players through Live or split-screen locally or System Link. Or just add bots. Capture the spawn-points to reduce the enemy\'s \"tickets\" or lives to zero. An absolutely simple, stunning game with deep combat and strategy, Undertow is a testament to the greatness developers can achieve in such a small package.
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Carcassonne XBLA Review
game: Carcassonne
review | 07/11/07 | Chris Martin
Hot on the heels of Settlers of Catan, which invaded XBLA last month, Carcassonne, the board game based on the fortified city in France of the same name, comes to Xbox Live Arcade in a very worthy package. While slightly pricy at 800 microsoft points, Carcassonne is an excellent strategy game for up to 4 people locally, or 5 over Xbox Live, although you\'ll find it best with only two or three.
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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night comes to XBLA March 21st
game: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
news | 03/16/07 | Chris Martin
One of the greatest 2D platformers ever created and certainly the best Castlevania game yet, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night will be hitting Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday (March 21). Blending a memorable storyline and iconic characters (you play as Dracula\'s son, Alucard, fer crissakes!), RPG elements, and a long (read: MASSIVE) game, SOTN is going to be a huge release for Xbox Live Arcade.
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Doom For XBLA Review
game: Doom
review | 09/30/06 | Tristan Mayshark
id\'s seminal classic is a surprise Xbox Live Arcade release for the Xbox 360. Demons from Hell on Mars and throbbing metal midi tracks help you party like it\'s 1994 (except this time around our pings are way better). Though it has not changed significantly from the version that debuted 13 years ago, it remains a worthwhile purchase for FPS junkies and casual gamers alike. Get the full story from our man, Tristan.
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Pac-Man Goes to XBLA
game: Pac-Man
news | 08/09/06 | Chris Martin
Are you celebrating 25 years of being yellow? You should be. Pac-Man is 25 years old and, to celebrate, he\'s going on Xbox Live Arcade. He\'s here with some new graphics, 250 levels, and at less than $5.00 USD, the price seems right. Now the only question is, will it be as successful as Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting?
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The Official GamesFirst! Guide to Achievement Points
game: Xbox 360
editorial | 06/06/06 | Matt James
Xbox Live\'s ability to record achievements adds an entirely new dimension to online gaming. Suddenly, everything you do matters, and achieving a high gamer score is like managing to break into the top ten at the local video arcade (if you lived in the \'80s). In this article, we sit down with an Xbox 360 controller and a stack of games to find out the best ways to raise your gamer score with as little work as possible. Geometry Wars might be fun, but it\'s nearly a waste of time if you\'re interested in raising your stats. Madden 2006, though? It\'s a goldmine for even the unskilled footballer. And it\'s not the only one.
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The Future of Xbox Live Arcade: Anywhere Means Mobile
game: Xbox Live
feature | 05/14/06 | Shawn Rider
Xbox Live Anywhere is propelling Microsoft\'s multiplayer gaming community into a whole new realm, bringing it cross-platform in all sorts of cool ways. One of the major new features of the Anywhere service will be a much expanded Xbox Live Arcade, which will offer games on almost every mobile phone and PDA platform. Bringing the reliability, not to mention the try-before-you-buy mentality, of Xbox Live to the mobile gaming experience could be just the thing to get us to take cell phones seriously as a gaming platform. Get the full story here.
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Outpost Kaloki X Delivers Cartoony Strategy to XBLA
game: Outpost Kaloki X
review | 03/04/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Xbox Live Arcade has put some cool games on the Xbox 360, and has very much helped 360 owners cope with the rather slow trickle of 360 titles to hit the market. Some of these XBLA games are original, some are greatest hits, and some are games that had made an impression on PC gamers as an indy release and now find a second audience on the Xbox. A great example of the last type of game is Outpost Kaloki X. Outpost Kaloki X is a mid-depth strategy experience that XBox 360 owners can try for free and own for a low price. If you\'re looking for decent strategy and a clever sense of humor in your lemonade stand games, then Kaloki could be just the thing. Get Tristan\'s full review right here.
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Marble Blast Rocks!
game: Marble Blast Ultra
review | 02/13/06 | Tristan Mayshark
Marble Blast Ulra is one of the first games developed for the new XBox Live Arcade on the XBox 360, and brings to mind nearly everything that was great about the golden era of shareware games, from try before you buy downloadable distribution models (which we like very much) to fun, simple gameplay based on equal parts thought and reflex. Bask in the future-past gaming enjoyment that is Marble Blast Ultra. Tristan has the review right here.
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The Meta-Gaming Experience of Xbox 360
game: Xbox 360
feature | 11/24/05 | Shawn Rider
The Xbox 360 brings a lot to the table: Fancy new graphics. Fancy new games. Fancy new controller. But we already had pretty nice graphics. And we\'ve always had fun games. Controllers come and go, plus we can usually find third-party controllers that will work, too. So what\'s next-gen about the Xbox 360? It\'s the meta-gaming experience. It\'s not that the 360 really changes the game (although it does that, too). What\'s really cool about the 360 is that it changes how we PLAY the game. And that\'s an exciting thing.
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Joystiq Puts Together Xbox 360s Content Delivery Plans
news | 10/14/05 | Shawn Rider
In a great analysis of Microsoft\'s latest announcements about Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360, Joystiq\'s Vladimir Cole details how Xbox Live Arcade is a growing threat to the traditional retail chain. And that\'s not necessarily a bad thing for game publishers: \"Sure, the games on offer right now are non-threatening casual games, but it's only a matter of time until gamers are downloading entire triple-A titles and not just demos of them. With more and more retailers moving towards the sale of used games, first- and third-party publishers are going to push the direct-to-consumer channel even harder.\" Check out the full story on Joystiq here.
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