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Search for 'Lineage II' returned 2 results.

China Forces World of Warcraft and Lineage II to Restrict Players
news | 08/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
In what we are assuming is a move related to the recent death of a South Korean man who played Starcraft for 50 hours straight in an Internet cafe, China has stated that it will require all MMORPGs sold within its borders to adhere to strict guidelines. The rules include that games must limit how much time a user can play in a given stretch before the user\'s character suffers serious in-game penalties. Games affected include World of Warcraft and Lineage II, among others that are less well-known to American audiences. The companies that operate World of Warcraft and Lineage II in China have both agreed to integrate the system once it is ready in late 2005 or early 2006.
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Lineage II
game: Lineage II
review | 12/27/04 | Jason Frank
Lineage II is the most popular MMORPG in the world. Thousands of individuals worldwide love the game and play it religiously, so much that players in Southeast Asia are occasionally carted off to the hospital after multi-day Lineage II benders. Of course, not everyone is so enamored of the MMORPG genre, or with, specifically, Lineage II. And one of those folks happens to be our own Jason Hickman. We know we're going to take it on this one, but we feel obligated to express an array of opinion, so click the details to read the review, then let the flaming commence.
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