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Search for 'Guardian Heroes' returned 3 results.

Advance Guardian Heroes: A Little More, A Little Less
game: Advance Guardian Heroes
review | 02/23/06 | RJ Brooks
The fifth in our six part retrospective on action game developer, Treasure, Robert\'s review of Advance Guardian Heroes takes an in-depth look at the recent sequel to the Sega Saturn classic. Although in some respects, the GBA version of Guardian Heroes sports some welcome enhancements, it also lacks some key gameplay mechanics that were very popular in the original title. Get the full story here, and check in with the full feature series for more about Treasure.
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Guardian Heroes: A Sega Saturn Classic
game: Guardian Heroes
review | 02/22/06 | RJ Brooks
Guardian Heroes is the true definition of a diamond in the rough. Sure, Playstation had Wipeout, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid and the rest, but it never had Guardian Heroes, and for some gamers, nothing else mattered. The latest installment in his six-part retrospective on legendary 2D action game developer Treasure is Robert\'s review of the 1996 cult classic, Guardian Heroes. Find out why some gamers still maintain Saturn systems to play this game in its native format.
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Filling in the Gaps: 20 Games You May Have Missed
news | 12/06/05 | Shawn Rider
Every once in awhile we read a good feature on another website that makes us glad we still browse them thar Interwebs. In a list that we agree with a whole bunch, Retro Gaming with Racketboy ticks off the top 20 games you might have missed. Did you play Guardian Heroes on Saturn? Did you play Beyond Good and Evil? Did you play Chu Chu Rocket on Dreamcast? Have you copped a copy of Propeller Arena for DC? Check out the Racketboy list for more must-play titles from bygone days.
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