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Search for 'Geometry Wars' returned 3 results.

The Official GamesFirst! Guide to Achievement Points
game: Xbox 360
editorial | 06/06/06 | Matt James
Xbox Live\'s ability to record achievements adds an entirely new dimension to online gaming. Suddenly, everything you do matters, and achieving a high gamer score is like managing to break into the top ten at the local video arcade (if you lived in the \'80s). In this article, we sit down with an Xbox 360 controller and a stack of games to find out the best ways to raise your gamer score with as little work as possible. Geometry Wars might be fun, but it\'s nearly a waste of time if you\'re interested in raising your stats. Madden 2006, though? It\'s a goldmine for even the unskilled footballer. And it\'s not the only one.
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Free Xbox Live Gold, Prizes This Weekend
game: Xbox Live
news | 03/27/06 | Shawn Rider
This weekend (March 31-April 2) Microsoft is teaming up with Verizon Wireless to open up Xbox Live Gold for all Xbox 360 owners. In addition to the free Gold-level multiplayer online games, Microsoft has set up three days of contests and tournaments in Geometry Wars, Project Gotham Racing 3, Fight Night Round 3 and more. Get more details here.
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GF! Mailbag
editorial | 03/11/06 | Matt James
We felt so bad for Matt having to lug that big mailbag all the way up to the GF! Offices that we moved his desk into the basement where the mail drops directly. Then we forgot about him. As it turns out, Matt\'s been down there the whole time, trapped under a crate of old Atari Age magazines and sandwiched between a box of old toys and a broken Wizard of Wor machine. Aaron found Matt when he went down to fetch a couple old floppy disks we needed to shimmy up an uneven leg on our new company massage table. It was too late for Matt, but he was clutching this latest edition of the GF! Mailbag in one hand, and had used Legos to spell out something about how Jeremy still can\'t beat his Gamerscore. Click here for what may very well be Matt\'s last Mailbag ever (unless we\'re totally lying to you, which is also possible).
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