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Search for 'EA Los Angeles' returned 2 results.
game: Command & Conquer 3
review | 07/27/07 | Chris Martin
It you asked us three years ago if console gamers would get a decent real time strategy game in the next-generation, our response would have probably been resounding: \"I wouldn\'t hold your breath.\" We were surprised, fellow readers, not to have only a single decent strategy game come to the Xbox 360, but to have two. Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth has already been critically received, and now Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars gets the royal treatment. If setting Orcs upon a faction of Elves doesn\'t get your heart racing, perhaps setting a herd of mammoth tanks on unsuspecting Nod extremists will.
preview | 05/14/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
EA\'s Battle for Middle Earth series brings the insanely huge battles of the Lord of the Rings trilogy to the small screen (if you aren\'t blessed like our man Jeremy with a really big monitor). But now EA is set to make Battle for Middle Earth II the first major real-time strategy game to work well on the home console. Previous attempts to bring titles like Starcraft to the game consoles have fallen flat, but after some hands-on time with BFME2, it looks like EA has finally broken through to a working control scheme that should make Xbox 360 owners very happy.
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