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Search for 'Die Hard Vendetta' returned 2 results.

Die Hard Vendetta Review
game: Die Hard Vendetta
review | 02/16/03 | Matt James
Good old Die Hard. You can never have too much terrorist-bashing smartass commentary to go with your action movie or game. To prove this point, Fox Interactive serves us up a big helping of Die Hard Vendetta, putting you in the role of John McLane once again. Click!
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Die Hard Vendetta Review (GC)
game: Die Hard Vendetta
review | 02/09/03 | Matt James
Good old Die Hard. You can never have too much terrorist-bashing smartass commentary to go with your action movie or game. To prove this point, Fox Interactive serves us up a big helping of Die Hard Vendetta, putting you in the role of John McLane once again. Click!
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