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Search for 'DOFUS' returned 1 results.

DOFUS Review
game: DOFUS
review | 11/14/05 | Chris Galbraith
Every once in awhile, a game comes along with solid gameplay and a lot to appreciate, but a very unfortunate name. I\'m remembering Seaman most specifically here. Although maybe if you say it with a native French accent, there is lesspotential for confustion. Afterall it\'s only a small twist of syllable pronounciation that separates DOFUS from a decidedly less attractive moniker. Regardless, DOFUS has a lot to offer: Tactics style RPG gameplay mixed with MMO elements all packaged in an atractive, cartoony package. With an international following and a development team dedicated to iterative improvements, DOFUS is a promising indy game project. Check out Chris Galbraith\'s review, available here.
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