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Search for 'Cyan Worlds' returned 4 results.

Myst Online: Uru Live Screens On GameTap
game: Myst Online: Uru Live
preview | 11/08/06 | Chris Martin
Remember the online component to Uru: Ages Beyond Myst? It\'s back, and on GameTap! Coming this December, gamers will be able to explore the Ages of Uru in droves, allowing a whole new dynamic of puzzle solving gameplay that has yet to be implemented in anything but a MUD or PUD. Here are some screenshots from the upcoming game, things are looking good. Puzzle-solving good.
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That Retro Review: Myst
game: Myst
feature | 09/15/06 | Chris Martin
One of the most influential games of its era, Myst is a game where you can\'t die, you can\'t turn around (much) and you really can\'t walk away from its awesome puzzles. When it was released in 1993, it ushered in a new type of genre, the adventure-puzzle game, and became - for a time - the best selling game of all time! How does it stack up today? Has this adventure game aged like a fine Chardonnay or soured like milk? Chris has been to the Ages of Myst and back and has freed Atrus in this review of Myst!
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Cyan Worlds Confirms They're Back
news | 10/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
Cyan Worlds, makers of Myst, laid off their entire development crew earlier this month and shut their doors for what the gaming industry assumed was forever. Turns out that\'s not the case. Ryan Miller, co-founder of Cyan Worlds, has confirmed to GamesFirst that the company has rehired some portion of their development team. \"Yes, we have rehired most everyone,\" he said. \"At this point, I can\'t really say more.\" Earlier, MercuryNews.com received similar confirmation from Cyan Worlds. Is it possible the game industry has not really lost one of its original pioneers? Sounds like it.
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Cyan Worlds Closes Its Doors, Says Goodbye
news | 09/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
Say farewell to one of the landmarks in video game history. Cyan Worlds, the creators of Myst, have closed their doors. The company was made famous when it used incredible pre-rendered graphics, moody audio, and brilliant puzzles to create a huge following in the game industry. The original Myst served as a crossover title that brought thousands of causal players into the more complex and beautiful world of the hardcore. Until The Sims took the crown, Myst was considered the best selling game of all time. Cyan Worlds was also one of the few companies dedicated to adventure games anymore, and we\'re sad to see them go. Best of luck, guys.
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