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Search for '350Z' returned 1 results.

Forza 2 Gets 4 New Cars in First Downloadable Pack
game: Forza Motorsport 2
news | 08/01/07 | Chris Martin
It didn\'t take long for Turn 10\'s gearheaded staff to release the first of, what I assume will be, many downloadable packs for Forza Motorsport 2. In this pack they bring us four cars. The first three come from Nissan and are free for all: 2007 Sentra SE-R, 2007 Altima, 2007 350Z. The fourth car is the second place winner of this year\'s Le Mans: the Peugeot 908 race car - costing 50 gamerpoints (not bad). The Peugeot is also the first racecar (R4-1 class), as gamers will note, that can be painted.
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