04/20/02 | | Monica Hafer
What company hires giant Samoans to hand out E3 swag rather than the standard 38-18-32 booth babe? WildTangent, a company with a unique take on more than just the distribution of their promotional materials. These games are worth checking out, and most of them are free. Click!
01/01/00 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... arcade machines cost you a quarter. Now, the only games you can find at that stunning price are Ms. Pacman and Asteroids (at least here at the Seattle Gameworks). Needless to say, if you want to jump into the cockpit of an X-wing fighter or go one-on-one with Law in Tekken 3 it\'s going to cost you.
01/01/00 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Summer is the perfect time to skateboard. I should know, I love to skateboard. School is no longer a factor and there is far less to worry about. The sun is high (as well as the temperature), and the amount of time available for pure skateboarding is great. For me summer is a good time for skateboarding, not for playing video games. And although I would prefer to roll around with my friends with the sun overhead instead of staring blankly at a television screen, there are just some video games that you have to play, no matter the time or the place. The game that I set my precious time aside for was ironically based on the same thing that I yearn for the most -- skateboarding.
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